Chapter 8: Demonstration

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"Every interactive toy that's ever been made has been a variation on the same basic formula. A series of preprogrammed responses initiated by the push of a button."

David stood in the red movie theatre looking room, in front of the board of the company pitching the idea of M0RGAN to them. Gemma, (Y/n), Tess and Cole stood by the computer screens in the corner, and a curtain was draped over the window that lead to the playroom.

"Never before in the history of these products has there been a talking doll you could actually have a conversation with. But what if there was a toy that did have genuine spontaneous response? That had a mind all of its own. That was both a child and a parent's best friend. I mean, a toy like that wouldn't come cheap. But as of next year, it's gonna be the only toy that matters."

David moved to the center of the room and faced the board, ready to reveal the product.

"Ladies and gentlemen...he's the apex of 21st century technology wrapped up in 6 feet of silicone. And his M0RGAN."

David pressed a button on a remote, opening the curtains, revealing the playroom with Cady sitting inside.

Two doors opened and M0RGAN entered the room. "Hey Cady." He greeted.

Cady looked over her shoulder at him. "Hi M0RGAN."

M0RGAN walked over to a small table in the room where some crafts were set up.

"So, how would you like to make a flower decoration with nothing more than some colored paper and a rubber band?" He asked, holding up a rubber band on his finger.

Suddenly, Cady put her hands over her face and began to cry.

M0RGAN frowned. "Cady?"


In the other room, the board shared uninterested and doubtful looks, seeing her cry.

Gemma and (Y/n) shared a nervous glance.


"Why are you sad, Cady? Is it your arm? Is it still sore?"

Cady shook her head.

"Then what is it?"

"It's just that...every day I wake up in a strange house, and I remember that my parents are dead. It's like it's happening all over again. I miss them so much. I'm worried that I'll forget all the things we did together. That one day I'll be looking at pictures of my mom like she's some stranger." Cady confessed with a sniffle.

M0RGAN glanced at the mirror for a second, before walking over and sitting next to Cady.

"Tell me something about your mom. Something that makes you happy."

"I don't know...I can't think of one thing."

"Just try." M0RGAN encouraged.

Cady looked down in thought. "One time she found a cockroach in my schoolbag. She was upset cause I didn't eat my sandwiches. And then all of a sudden, this thing crawls up her wrist, and she started screaming like a maniac and ran out of the house. That was pretty funny."

"Okay, so that's a memory you won't ever forget." M0RGAN told her.

Cady looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm keeping it for you." He put a hand to his chest. "Here."

Suddenly, a recording of Cady's voice started playing, talking about that memory.

"One time she found a cockroach in my schoolbag. She was upset cause I didn't eat my sandwiches. And then all of a sudden, this thing crawls up her wrist, and she started screaming like a maniac and ran out of the house. That was pretty funny."

"Anytime you want to tell me something special about your parents, something funny or sad, or anything at all, you just tell me and I'll keep it safe. And we can listen to it whenever we want." He promised.

🎵"If you should feel alone, or that your world has come apart. Just reach out and you'll see a friend is never very far. Tell me your dreams, I will dream them too. I'm so glad I finally found you."🎵

When M0RGAN finished his song, Cady smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, and he hugged her back.


Inside the other room, everyone in the board began clapping loudly. Gemma and (Y/n) stared at M0RGAN and Cady with tears in their eyes from the display.

The head of the board, Greg, stood up and David did too. "Gemma, (Y/n), would you give us a minute?" He requested.

He and David stepped out of the room, and David gestured for the two girls to follow them.


"So, what do you think?" David asked, as Greg poured himself a drink.

"I think the world's about to shift on its axis. But listen, if we wanna stay ahead of that shift, we're gonna have to move fast. That means no leaks. We need to launch this before anyone can steal it." He emphasized.

"So let me make a pitch. We do a live stream in two weeks. That way, we can get the presale vouchers out before Christmas." David suggested.

"How ready is he? Will he hold up to a public demonstration?" Greg asked.

"Uh, we'd probably like to do a little more testing, but yeah, I think we can make that work." Gemma said.

"Alright, let's do it. And David, I think we need to get these two in front of someone at legal." Greg stated.

"You bet...uh, wait—wait, why? What is that?" David stuttered.

"Because as of right now, these two girls are the most valuable assets this company has, and I think they might wanna be renegotiating her contract." He complimented.

He handed both girls a drink, which they happily accepted.


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