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After spending some time getting acclimated to my new, elegant surroundings, I realized there were a few things I needed to make this house feel more like home. I decided to venture into town to buy some unique pieces and essential items.

I made a mental list of what I needed – first and foremost, some groceries. The pack had generously stocked the kitchen, but I wanted to add my personal touch. I also craved some ingredients to whip up a few of my own favorite dishes.

As I stepped outside and inhaled the fresh forest air, I marveled at the beauty of the pack's territory. The vibrant greenery and the distant howls of the wolves reminded me of the unique and enchanting world I was now a part of.

My first stop was the local farmer's market in town. It was a charming place with stalls bursting with fresh, organic produce. I picked up a basket and filled it with colorful fruits and vegetables, as well as some herbs and spices to enhance my cooking.

Next, I explored the town's quaint shops, searching for unique pieces to decorate my home. I found an artisan store that offered handcrafted candles, and I selected a few with intricate designs and enchanting scents. They would add a touch of warmth and mystique to my new space.

A small antique shop caught my eye, and I couldn't resist entering. Among the vintage trinkets and rare finds, I discovered a beautiful, intricately designed mirror. It had an almost magical quality to it, and I decided it would be a fantastic addition to my bedroom.

Feeling inspired, I also browsed a bookstore in town. I was drawn to a section on local history and folklore. I purchased a few books about the history of the pack and its traditions, as well as some books on witchcraft. It was essential to understand the pack's heritage and how I could contribute to their magical needs.

As I was making my way back from the town with my bags of groceries, a sudden fatigue overcame me. The distance between the town and the pack's territory was more significant than I had anticipated, and the bags felt heavier with each step. I could see my new home in the distance, but it seemed like miles away.

Just when I was beginning to consider calling someone from the pack to fetch me, I stumbled across a car dealership. It was an unexpected sight in the midst of this quaint, rural town. As I approached the lot, a well-dressed salesman approached me with a charming smile.

"Hello there, miss! Would you like to take a look at some of our fine vehicles?" he inquired, motioning toward a row of shiny cars, including a sleek Range Rover that caught my eye.

I hesitated for a moment, thinking of my initial plan to embrace the simpler life of the pack. But the fatigue and the prospect of a more convenient mode of transportation were persuasive. Besides, I couldn't deny that the Range Rover was an alluring choice.

The salesman, sensing my hesitation, launched into a convincing pitch, highlighting the car's features, its reliability, and how it would make my life much more comfortable. He made a compelling case, and I found myself warming to the idea.

It wasn't long before I made a decision that I hadn't seen coming. I agreed to purchase the Range Rover, and the salesman arranged all the paperwork. As I drove back to my new home in style.

You know what they say? If you can't beat 'em, be them. I was embracing my upfront pay to the max.

So yeah, buying a car wasn't on the list but, it basically free because I need it to bring stuff from town.

Once I pulled into my drive way. I found the button to open the garage. It was my first time ever opening it. And to my big surprise, a fucking brand new jeep was just chillin the garage.

I doubt they do returns on cars. So I parked the car next to the jeep and realized the impulsive decisions. I had made.

"It's fine" i say getting out of the car while gaslighting myself. "Totally fine, I needed two vehicles anyways"

Using the phone Beta Nathaniel provided me. I took a deep breath, gathered my courage, and dialed the Alpha's number. I had put it off all morning mostly because I had anxiety. But now? I just remembered and my therapist said when I had anxiety about something to not think just do.

So as odd it was calling him unloading my groceries. I had to do it or else there would be cake mix flying in the kitchen.

After a few rings, a deep, authoritative voice answered, "Alpha Callahan speaking."

My heart raced as I replied, "Alpha Callahan, this is Lilian Shaw. I recently arrived and was hoping to arrange a meeting to discuss my role in the pack."

There was a brief pause on the other end, and I could almost sense his curiosity through the phone. "Ms. Shaw, I've been looking forward to our meeting. How about we meet at the pack's main gathering hall tomorrow evening?"

Relief washed over me as I accepted the invitation. "That sounds perfect, Alpha. Thank you for your time."

"See you soon" he replies and shuts the line off. Wiping the sweat on my forehead, I smile to myself a bit. That was a proud moment, I overcame my anxiety.

Clicking the button on my car remote, the trunk opens and I begin to get all of my groceries into the house.

The mirror I bought was luckily being left on hold for me at the shop. I was going to pick it up tomorrow. Sometime  after the Alphas and I meeting.

After putting my things away, I made a homemade pasta. Not because I was craving it but because it's literally one of the things I know how to make.

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