pfft, okay

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As the evening rolled in, I found myself comfortably settled on my elegant couch, wrapped in a cozy blanket, and engrossed in my favorite TV show. The familiar characters and the witty humor provided a welcome escape from the day's tensions.

Just as I was getting lost in the on-screen world, my phone rang, jolting me from my reverie. I quickly picked it up and saw Alpha Callahan's name on the screen. My heart raced, and I hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Hello?" I greeted him, trying to sound composed even though my awkwardness often shone through in tense situations.

"Ms. Shaw," Alpha Callahan's deep and serious voice came through the phone, immediately setting a tone of dominance and authority. "I wanted to apologize for the behavior of Beta Nathaniel and the Gamma earlier today. It was unacceptable."

I shifted in my seat, feeling a mixture of surprise and relief. "Thank you, Alpha. I appreciate that."

The conversation was awkward for me. I was a naturally funny and sarcastic person, while Alpha Callahan seemed to be the embodiment of seriousness and brooding dominance. I wasn't sure how to navigate this conversation, but I knew I had to be respectful.

Alpha Callahan continued, "We are working to ensure that such behavior does not happen again."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "I understand, Alpha. I'm here to contribute to the Lunar Syndicate in any way I can."

There was a brief silence, and I felt the weight of his authority through the phone. "Good. I expect your dedication to the pack and adherence to its rules."

I acknowledged his expectations with a quiet "Yes, Alpha."

How the fuck did this turn into a lecture talk? I was the one was literally dragged.

I was left in thoughtful silence. It was clear that Alpha Callahan took his role very seriously, and I would need to adapt to the dynamics of the pack.

I wasn't gonna let those sour puss ass wolves get in the way of my sanity. If they wanted to be rude, I was petty. If they were shit, I was the fucking the fucking shit.

I was a joy to be around and anyone who thought otherwise had a huge stick up their ass.

As the evening continued, Donny came over to my elegant new home, and I was more than happy to have a friend's company after the eventful day I'd had.

We settled on the couch, and I couldn't help but share my experiences with him, starting with the meeting with Alpha Callahan and ending with the bizarre confrontation with Beta Nathaniel and the Gamma.

"Donny, you won't believe what happened today," I began, a hint of exasperation in my voice.

He chuckled, knowing my penchant for turning even the most dramatic situations into comedic stories. "I'm all ears. Lay it on me, Lil."

I launched into a spirited reenactment of the day's events, imitating the solemn Alpha Callahan and Beta Nathaniel's condescending tone. Donny joined in the laughter, poking fun at the overly serious atmosphere of the pack.

"Sounds like they need a little more laughter in their lives," Donny commented, his teasing tone lifting my spirits.

"You're absolutely right," I replied, feeling better already. "I feel so bad for them, poor guys have sticks so far up their ass it comes out their mouths"

"Don't curse them" he notes laughing.

"I hope they break their pink toe or choke on a wet noodle." I say into the universe.

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