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I locked eyes with Sebastian, his presence grounding me and pulling me out of my daydream.

"She most likely did," I admitted, my worry evident in my voice. "I'm afraid that the concealment is affecting its ability to withhold."

"What if you remove the concealment?" he asked, his eyes filled with determination.

I let out a sigh. "It isn't a subtle-looking barrier, Sebastian. Both inside and out. It'll be significant, more visible and stronger."

He fell silent for a moment, deep in thought. "Do it," he finally said, his voice firm and resolute.

"Huh," I replied, a hint of surprise in my tone. His unwavering trust in me was both reassuring and empowering.

"Make the barrier visible" he orders while grabbing my shoulders.

"You know this is going to announce you have a weapon to the rest of the packs?" I warn. He nods his head with a serious expression. "Perhaps"

"Alright shit, give me some room to work" I say shooing him away. He steps back as I begin forming magic between my palms.

The purple hue making the sky begin to struggle to keep up the skyline colors. The purple barrier seemed to glow as soon as I threw my magic into it.

Slowly the atmosphere began to turn into a dystopian looking purple color. With intricate waves of energy surrounding the sky.

I gave him a final nod, taking a deep breath before shifting my focus solely onto the concealed barrier. My hands reached out toward it, and I could feel the tremendous energy building within me. Sebastian stepped back, giving me the space I needed to work my magic.

I raised my hands, forming intricate patterns with my fingers. The purplish hue began to materialize, spreading like a wave across the barrier. The sky above us struggled to maintain its natural colors as the barrier's energy intensified.

The once-clear skies gave way to the vibrant, radiant purple of the barrier. Its waves of energy swirled and danced, creating an otherworldly spectacle that extended above us, like a surreal dome.

I could feel the barrier's power surging, the atmosphere charged with magic. With a final burst of energy, I sent the last thread of power into the barrier. It solidified, glowing with strength, a beacon of protection around our territory.

I turned to Sebastian, my chest heaving with the effort. "It's done," I said, my voice breathless, yet filled with pride. The barrier was visible, and its potency was undeniable.

Our territory was now more secure than ever, but the challenge was far from over.

"It's very, noticiable" Sebastian adds. I nod my head "can't look in"

"Exactly" I say nodding.

"I think you should rest" he suggests. I shake my head "I'm fine"

"And is that actually true?" He ask. The trees around us begin to dance with the wind.

The wind was tickling our skins dancing around us in unison. It was trying to tell us something.

"Trust me, not the thought inside you head" I reply closing my eyes. Images played through my head. Some of Sebastian and my living room.

I lifted from the ground and into someone's arms. "Lily, you are not okay"

Sebastian began to run to civilization. Grabbing the collar of his neck I stopped him. "It's you, and my living room, what does that mean to you?"

He stops his run, "What?"

"It's a vision, someone is trying to tell me something. It has to do with you and my living room." I inform. He looks more confused than ever.

"I've only been to your home twice" he says while touch my forehead to check for temperature.

"Yes, but there has to be something significant there." I pressure.

"Well frankly it can wait until tomorrow. You're nose began to bleed" he notes.

"That's just my low blood pressure" I wave it off. Still trying to connect the dots.

"You said Sarah had these episodes before?" I ask. He nods and seeing as I'm not moving. Hoist me into his arms and hauls me to my home.

"According to her file, it was anxiety induced" He explains. "You said it was dark magic, no one is willing"

"Understandable," I think to myself. Sarah kept popping into my head everyone in a while and it was mainly during moments in my life where I felt content. I'd feel guilty for taking time off and not helping her out of that hell hole.

He puts me down at my front door and I flick my hand, the magic opens the door wide open as I make my way inside the home. I drag Sebastian inside, he was a piece to the puzzle and i needed to solve it.

"This feels like you're going to eat my soul." He mutters following me without hesitation.

"Not your soul, I need to look at your past" I infrom. I sit him on the couch and head to my trinket shelf grabbing a small deck of cards. He looks startled from the looks of it.

"My past?" He asks confused.

"present and future" I finish. He shifts in his seat, he was nervous. "I trust you. How bad is this going to fuck me up"

"I've had people cry but not outta the pain you think. If you have nothing to spill, then you'll have nothing to cry over" I reassure him. I walk toward him and take seat on the couch.

"I don't like talking about my emotions Lilian,  this is out of my range." He say nervous. I catch his breath in my hands and blow it into the cards. Two cards fly out of the deck and last right in front of him.

I frown "Looks like your present is ongoing"

"Isn't that the point?" He asks.

"Yes and no. Tarot is not a prediction based art, it's suggestive and up to interpretation" I answer while flipping the first card over. "Well, your past seems to be trail and error. There's waiting element here, you've been waiting for things to fall into place."

I flip the second card over. It's the death card and look at him and I can just tell he's crapping his pants. "It's not a bad card, you're not going to die. But, there's something around you that will change and you will start on some new beginnings"

"What does that mean?" He asks he goes to touch the table and the third card lands in front of me.

I flip the card over. "The Chariot."

There's silence in the room as i put the meanings together. "We need to control something, take the reigns of the horse and find the power."

He gazed deep in thought, and then his phone rang. With a curious glance, he picked up the call, and it was the beta on the other end. The beta explained that the council, which gathers representatives from all the packs, had requested a visit to discuss the new changes happening within the pack.

"My pack is my priority and if it takes putting a fort around them, I'll do it." He confesses on the phone.

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