Try me bitch

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"I was trying to help her," Sybil seethes.

I look at her anger and sigh. "I took it out of her just so you can sleep at night."

"I sleep just fine," she snaps. "I don't care about that mutt."

"Right, well, it pains me to ask, do you have any idea what's going on at Dark Shadow?" I inquire, glancing at my chipped nail polish.

"Why would I tell you?" Sybil asks angrily.

I pause and look at her. "I'm not going to stand here and tell you I have leverage."

"Or that you should do it because of the kindness in your heart," I say calmly. "You're going to tell me because if you don't, Sarah's head is going to go boom, and I'll throw the kid in there for good measure."

Sybil looks taken aback by my words. "That isn't really your style."

"I think we both know that it could be. Tell me what you know," I say sternly.

A moment of silence follows, and I internally cringe at my painful attempt at acting. If there's a will, there's a way.

"They're looking for someone," Sybil begins.

"Back in the day, Dark Shadow ruled over the majority of the continent," she explains, gesturing to the border. "And it remained that way until the 6th alpha of this stupid pack revolted."

"This is four generations ago?" I ask, confused.

"Part of this pack belonged to Dark Shadow," she confirms.

"A Seer told everyone that Dark Shadow had magical properties and rumors of a lost temple with a very notorious Guardian," she continues.

"She hasn't been seen in years," I point out. The Nocturnal was a myth until my grandmother proved otherwise.

"Some believe that The Nocturnal might've disappeared into the shadows when the Moonwitch was born," she informs.

"So, Nocty was scared of the Moonwitch?" I say, puzzled. She was and still is the most powerful creature to walk in the Magic Realm.

"Our world relies heavily upon balance. The Nocturnal knew this; she was the exception, but not for long," she explains.

"So, what does this have to do with Dark Shadow being in a death sleep?" I press, connecting the dots.

Sybil's expression darkens. "The death sleep is affecting not only the wolves but all supernatural beings. It's like a ripple effect, spreading chaos and imbalance throughout the magical realm."

I absorb this information, feeling a chill run down my spine. "Is there a way to reverse it?"

Sybil shakes her head grimly. "Not that I know of. The only hope is to find the one they're searching for, the key to restoring balance."

I take a deep breath, processing the gravity of the situation. "Then we need to find this Moonwitch before it's too late."

"Moonwitch?" Sybil asks shocked. "Do you have a death wish?"

"I hold Sybil's gaze, unfazed by her astonishment. "Yes, the Moonwitch. We need all the help we can get, and she might have the answers we seek."

Sybil shakes her head incredulously. "You're willing to risk everything for a chance encounter with a mythical being who could very well tear us apart?"

"Careful, it sounds like you might car for me there" I say with a grin.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," I reply firmly. "And right now, we're running out of options."

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