Omg what is that?

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The next morning, I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The surroundings were foreign to me, and for a moment, I was disoriented. It wasn't until the alpha, Sebastian, entered the room that I remembered the events of the previous night.

Sebastian was dressed in a crisp tee and shorts that accentuated his muscular physique. His presence was enough to send a ripple of awareness through me. I tried to stifle my reaction, not wanting to appear too taken by his appearance.

"Good morning," he greeted me with a hint of amusement in his eyes. He seemed to be quite at ease this early in the morning.

"Morning," I mumbled, still not fully awake. It was clear I wasn't a morning person, and he had likely noticed.

"Come downstairs for breakfast," Sebastian invited. "The pack is waiting."

I nodded, still trying to shake off the sleepiness. It was going to be an interesting day, and it seemed like the alpha found my disheveled morning appearance rather entertaining.

yawning, I slipped the covers from my body and my socks touched the floor. Whoever took my shoes but not my socks off better count their fucking days because it was psychotic behavior letting me sleep with socks on.

I fixed my hair in mirror and grabbed my shoes by the door. Opening the door, I walked through the hallway and downstairs to the breakfast area. There's was at least fifty people grabbing breakfast and the little kids were running around the place. Call it cliche, but i hate kids. Those crotch gremlins are satan's spawn up until the age of 17.

"Witch, please come." I hear someone announce. I forget people in packs usually address people with a title. It was quite the shocker considering witch was used as a insult in most cases.

"Of course" I answered grabbing a plate of food. The food look better than the food I cooked at home. I wasn't the best cook, Nonna and I were abysmal at cooking. She always bragged how she could make mean bowl of cereal. Unfortunately for me, that's where my culinary skills ended.

Here I was sitting at the table with the people around me surprisingly welcoming. It wasn't like anything I had experienced before here but it was shit. "Next thing you know, I'm choking on my pasta! Isn't that suspicious? You break your toe and I choke on noodles?" I hear the gamma explain to the beta while coming in.

"You're going to choke on breakfast if you don't shut it, Ethan" I hear the beta scold him. I smile at my plate, I guess the universe really was on my side for once.

"Witch, the kids at school would like for you to visit" I hear the pack member infront of me say. I make eye contact with him leaving my face in a stoic stare, "We could definitely discuss that"

My attention was divided between my meal and the entrance of Alpha Sebastian Callahan. He strode into the room with the quiet confidence that always turned heads. The tension between us was palpable, a silent undercurrent that had been building for some time. He was so pretty, for what reason.

As the alpha settled into his seat, the room seemed to hold its breath or maybe it was just me, waiting for his next move. I took another bite of my breakfast, trying to focus on the food infront of me.

His gaze briefly met mine, and I couldn't help but get lost in the depths of his intense, brooding eyes. It was a powerful and distracting moment, one that made my heart race. Nah this was dangerous, this man screamed bad news and he was my boss. My daddy issues were screaming at me.

I rose from my seat and began my retreat, heading back home. I couldn't help but steal one last, lingering glance at the alpha, my thoughts consumed by the magnetic pull I felt towards him.

Driving home was fine, it was a 20 minute drive. Once I gotten home, I realized I was all caught up with all my work. And I had the weekends off. So I decided to get ready and head out to visit my family.

As always, the moment I stepped through her front door, I was enveloped in the rich, earthy scent of herbs and old books. Nonna was a bit of a nut job, and I meant that in the most loving way possible.

Nonna was busy at the kitchen table, surrounded by an assortment of dried herbs, colorful crystals, and an open grimoire, the family's magical tome that had been passed down for generations.

"Lilian, mia cara!" she exclaimed, her voice warm and filled with genuine affection. She was a plump, rosy-cheeked woman with wild, silver hair, which always seemed to stand on end like she'd just stuck her finger in an electrical socket.

I bent down to hug her and was almost immediately pulled into a chair. Nonna was always eager to share her latest mystical discoveries. Today, she was convinced that she had just created the most potent love potion in the world, which she insisted on showing me. She picked up a tiny vial filled with an iridescent pink liquid, swirling it in front of my face.

"Nonna, that's fascinating," I said with a chuckle, "but you know I don't need a love brew. I'm just fine on my own."

Nonna waved her hand dismissively, accidentally knocking over a pile of herbs. It was a chain reaction; a jar of glittering star anise fell, followed by a clattering stack of tarot cards, and then a small cauldron.

"Shit" I yell. As we both scrambled to pick up the spilled contents, the room descended into magical chaos. Her trusty old cat, Mr. Whiskers, darted out from under the table, sending a crystal ball tumbling.

"We're creating a magical vortex of chaos!" Nonna exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with glee. I looked over at her with a panic, "we're going to mess Ma's Couch!"

Just then, my mom walked in from outside, her basket of mushrooms in hand. She paused, her face an entertaining mix of horror and amusement as she took in the scene before her.

"Nonna, Lilian, what have you two done now?" she sighed, shaking her head. We were both notorious for our accidents when it came to magic.

I had managed to put the living room back in order, though not without some raised voices and Mom scolding both Nonna and me. Nonna, being her stubborn self, was determined that our day wasn't going to be wasted in squabbles, and soon enough, she was bustling around the kitchen preparing a hearty meal.

"Alright, Lilian, time to eat," Nonna called from the kitchen. "We can't go into town on empty stomachs!"

With Nonna's mushroom risotto in our bellies, we piled into my new car and drove into town. I could tell Mom and Nonna were impressed with the car; its sleek lines and pristine interior were a far cry from the vintage family cars we were accustomed to.

Nonna, however, had a different take on it. "This car is so tall," she grumbled as we maneuvered through town. "It's as if we're perched on a mountain."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Nonna, it's a Jeep. You'll get used to it!"

She muttered something under her breath about the good old days when cars were closer to the ground. Still, she seemed to enjoy the ride more as we moved further into town.

Lilian, the driver - that was a title I was still getting used to, and I couldn't deny that driving the new car was a far cry from the rusty old vehicles we usually used. The comfort, the smooth ride, and the modern technology made it an entirely new experience. I caught myself grinning a few times as I drove, my new companions alternating between excitement and displeasure about the car.

Nonna's ongoing commentary about the car's height was met with a mix of exasperation and amusement from my mom, who simply rolled her eyes. I knew it was going to be a long day of shopping with Nonna, who had a knack for transforming even the simplest errands into day-long adventures.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for the shopping expedition ahead. With Nonna's "help," it was bound to be a memorable, and perhaps slightly exhausting, outing.

A Witch's HowlΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα