Part 5

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Lenalee Pov

After I got separated with Y/n I've been fighting the akuma when suddenly I sense an innocence nearby. I think it was the same innocence that we have been searching.

I dodge another blast attack that coming from the akuma and skillfully kill it with a wind slash attack using my innocence named dark boots. My innocence gave me the ability to move faster and even fly in the air for a moment. As I was flying in the air searching for the innocence I see a girl with a brunette hair protecting the innocence. Without wasting much time I kill all of the akuma and help the girl go back into the village.

When we're on our way to go back, a loud explosion were heard inside the forest. Worried about Y/n i move faster toward the location that I heard the loud explosion come from.

When we arrive I see Y/n standing still like she's in a trance. After a moment she yell at us telling us to get away from here. I don't understand her action because there is nothing dangerous other than the destruction that happened here. She must be in a shocked I guess.

After that, we returned to the village and explain to the villagers what is happening and that there's nothing to worry about anymore. Beside that, the brunette hair girl named Akari joins us as a new exorcist.
Apparently she's an accommodator to
the innocence that's we've been searching. Her innocence is a holder type. She can make her innocence change shape such as a bow or a ball in an instant. It's pretty neat.

Right now, we're returning to the black order headquarters to report the mission. Y/n has been sleeping the entire time after the fight. When we arrive at the black order I will have to take her to the infirmary.

Y/n Pov

After reporting our mission to komui I'm stuck at the bed inside the infirmary. Lenalee keep pestering me to go check my wound even though it's not that bad.

Allen come checking on me on the evening after he comes back from his mission with Kanda. I decided to tell him about the woman that I saw inside my dream and my encounter with a man that has a big hat on top of his head. His face expression is serious and suddenly he pull me into a hug out of nowhere.

Allen! I said surprise at the hug his giving me. We stay like that for a while before he release me. Allen don't worry to much ok I promise you that I will take care of myself.

That's what I'm worried about, he said. You're not worrying about yourself when I'm worry about you. Didn't I tell you not to use your power recklessly! If that man get to take you with him back there I don't know what will the Millennium Earl do to you. I will tell Komui about this. He said.

No you can't! Please Allen don't tell Komui or anybody I don't want to burden them with this problem. Hearing my words Allen face soften a little and he pat my head while saying that it is not a burden to rely on other people. His strong and confident voice make me feel relief and somehow my eyes become watering and I cried making Allen panicked. It's pretty funny to see Allen try his hardest to make me stop crying. And it only take a simple hug to calm me down.

Komui Pov

Currently, there are Lenalee, Allen,
Y/n, kanda and a new exorcist named Akari that were inside his office. After listening about what's happening to Y/n everyone fell silent. After a while, I tell everyone to go rest and I will discus this matter to the higher council. (Why would the Millenium Earl wanted her? Is it because of her innocence? Whatever it is it must be important so that person she met back there must be a Noah. The noah is targeting her. I need to inform everyone about this immediately).

Y/n Pov

Inside her bedroom

I feel that letting everyone know about it doesn't make the situation any better. Chief Komui face was blank of any emotion when I told him about it. There must be something that he's hiding. Well thinking about it doesn't change anything, let's go take a shower and have a nice sleep for now.

That's what I said right. But I can't bring myself to sleep right now. Just close my eyes then maybe I will fall asleep.

Knock, knock

Who's there. It's me Allen. Someone said behind the door. I get up and open the door to see Allen. Is everything alright Allen? He didn't respond instead he bowed his head a little and apologising to me for what happened before.

I accept his apology and tell him not to bow his head. I know he's just wanted me to be safe that's why he was angry at me for thinking of burdening him with my problem.
I invite Allen inside and he sit near the end of my bed while I'm going back to sleep. But it seems I have trouble to fall asleep.

Allen Pov

I stroke her head slowly and humming to her a soft lullaby. Back when she's still a kid, I use to humming for her until she fell asleep.

Author note : The humming song is the 14th song. I mean it's the only song that calm Y/n and made her fall asleep. Of course Allen didn't know that it was 14th song.

After a while listening to me humming Y/n finally fell asleep.
I leave her room after that and make my way towards my room.

Narrator Pov

The next day at the noah mansion. The Millennium Earl summon all of the noah to gather for a dinner. Road speak up to the Earl. I'm guessing we're making our move right. She smile menacingly while looking at the Earl.

Y/n Pov

Me, Allen and Lenalee are investigating a city by chief Komui order. The report says that the city have been rewinding every day. Whether it was the work of an innocence or akuma we still have yet to know. Allen suggest to split apart and gather here after we found some information about what causing this city to be like this.

I've been trying to talk to the people in the city but they are ignoring me as if I'm not here standing in front of them. This is a little bit creepy. 15 minutes have passed when I see a signal launched on the sky. I quickly running toward our gathering spot finding Allen and Lenalee with another woman.

Her name is Miranda Lotto and she's the only person that didn't get affected by the strange things that made other people stuck in time. Right now we're settling inside a bar. Miranda and Allen were interrogating her and she was begging at Allen to save her. She doesn't know the cause and the next thing she noticed that it was October 9th everyday. Something must have happened on the real October 9th and she's asking us if we have any idea about it.

Then out of the blue, Allen ask Lenalee to take Miranda out and leave this bar. He said that the akuma must have noticed that Miranda is different from everyone else in the city as she's not affected by it. That's probably because she's the one who made contact with the innocence that's causing this city to rewind, added Allen.

While Lenalee take Miranda to her home me and Allen were fighting the akuma. There is an akuma with a scythe as hand and another one with a triple pumpkin head. The pumpkin head akuma release a loud sound attack that make my head feels like it's going to split! As I'm holding my ears to to shut the sound I see another akuma making an attack toward Allen. Without thinking I pushed Allen out of the way from getting slash by the scythe akuma.

Allen Pov

Y/n!! Damn it! I was careless. Standing over Y/n unconscious form I shielded her from the akuma bullets. When I'm about to attack, the akuma suddenly retreating leaving me and Y/n alone. I don't know what happened but it give me ample time to bring her to Miranda house and treat her wound.

I pick up Y/n holding her bridal style and rushed towards Miranda's house. After 6 minutes I arrive at Miranda's house. Lenalee looks shocked at seeing the unconscious Y/n and started giving her first aid. Luckily her wound is not to deep but she lost some blood.

Three days later..

Y/n still unconscious but we discovered the innocence that's been affecting this city is Miranda's old clock. Apparently the innocence granted Miranda's wish. That's why the city get rewinded back to 9th October because she wish for tomorrow to never come. That's mean Miranda is the accommodator of the innocence.

Right now Lenalee and I were helping Miranda with her new job at a theater by selling ticket. When all of a sudden, I heard someone yelling all the money for the sold tickets got pick pocketed. I arrive to see Miranda getting scolded by the chief theater. Miranda told me that the thief were running toward the left alley. Both me and Miranda chase the thief only to find it to be an akuma. Oh no! It's a trap!! I said.

To be continued

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