Chapter 12

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Julia went out more than ever, she was heartbroken and knew that Alexander would never view her in that way or want to be with her.

She and Blake were partying it out like no man's business, she was not sleeping back at home as Alexander was not there and he would not know.

The nights felt amazing and today she was very exhausted, and it was three in the morning, she could not sleep over at Blakes's as she needed some more clothes.

Blake dropped her off and she showered and went to bed,

"Mam you need to have lunch with sir and his secretary."

"Right now?" she grumbled out.

"Yes Miss, it is about an event coming soon."

Julia nodded and shooed her away, and sat up, she went and showered, and dragged herself outside.

There sat Alexander and Ava, she went up to them and slopped down, Julia wanted to get this over and done with.

"Afternoon Julia." Said Ava in a gloating tone but she could not care less about the two of them, "Hey Ava, can we discuss what needs to be done?"

Julia looked at Ava speak and she was trying to follow but her eyes felt heavy, and they were drooping.


"Yes, I heard everything."

Alexander tilted his head, "You did not even hear what I asked you."

Julia stood up, and grabbed the book on the table, "No need to explain, I will read this and be ready by then. You two enjoy then."

She went back to the bedroom and climbed into bed,


Julia opened her eyes and it was Alexander, "What happened? Are they here? Is something wrong?"

"I had to see that you are okay, you have been asleep for seven hours straight without moving."

"Oh okay, I'm fine, close the door on your way out."

She closed her eyes, and woke up when the sun was out, Julia sat up groggily and was shocked when Alexander was there.

Julia did not say anything and when she came back after freshening up he was gone, night time came, and was ready for the night.

She threw on a short dress and some heels, makeup was done, her hair was done, perfume sprayed on and, she was ready to go out.

Julia headed downstairs, and headed to the door,

"You're not going anywhere."

She turned, and got a fright, "Oh, what is it?"

"I said you're not going anywhere."

"Is there something that I need to learn? I have read for the gathering and it's not soon."

"I know that Julia, but I just told you that you're not fucking leaving."

"What is wrong with you?"

"Me? Me?"

She shrugged,

"Do you see yourself?"

"I know myself, go bother Ava."

She turned and headed to the door, and was outside going to the car when she opened the door, it was shut.


She tried to push him away but instead, he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder, he headed straight to their room and he slammed the door shut.

Julia knew that their room was very sound proof so they could yell as much as they wanted, he set her down.

"You're telling me the last time you slept here before yesterday was over a week?"

"Great, you also only noticed now because you were with Ava."

She knew that she had hit the nail on the head, "Cat got your tongue."

"Do you see, or hear yourself?"

"I do."

"Well, you are not going anywhere anymore."

"You can't tell me what to do!" she yelled out.

"I have been more than accommodating as a husband."

"Husband my ass."

"Get changed."


"I'm not going to ask you twice Julia."

She rolled her eyes and did not budge. Alexander headed towards her, and he put his hands on her waist and turned her around so that she was facing away from him.

He unzipped her dress in a swift movement and Julia was shocked when she was left in her lingerie and heels.

"Now you can go out."

Julia could hear the smirk and arrogance in his voice, which pissed her off even more so,


She walked towards the door.

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