Chapter 40

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She was breathing heavily, "Stop."

"You say I should stop, but your body says otherwise."

He touched her waist, her body was responding to him, "Get off me."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm more than sure."

He got off her. "Fine, but this is not done."

Her mind was spinning, why did he seem so confident?

"I'm tired, we can finish this tomorrow."

"This is far from being over."

She felt shivers, his words had so much lust.

"Don't bet on it."

Julia woke up feeling extra hot and was surprised when Alexander held her tightly while he was fast asleep.

She tried to get off his grip but he was not budging, should she wake him up, Julia started to wiggle.

"Why are you giving me a lap dance, it's so early in the morning?"

"Ugh, only you would think that."

"You're not leaving."

Julia elbowed him, and he grunted. This was her time to escape, and she took it. When she was in the bathroom, she made sure to lock the door.

After a long bath and getting dressed, as Alexander was showering, he had teased her, saying he would not lock his door and she was more than welcome for her to come into the bathroom and have a second shower with him.

She had blushed, and now sitting outside by the garden, and the fresh air felt amazing, and of course Alexander came to sit next to her.

"Why does this feel like Déjà vu?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you and Ava played me."

"I swear this is not it."

"Why must I trust you?"

"I will show you through my actions."

"Sure you will."

"I promise you."


"Actions speak louder than words."

"I guess time will tell."

He began to work, and she was reading a novel that she wanted to catch upon but did not have the time to do so.

"What are you reading?"

Julia was suprised by Alexander's question, he was really paying a lot of attention.

"Nothing that will interest you."

"Try me, I might humor you for a bit. "

She sighed inwards, Julia would give him a small answer so that he  would stop talking to her.

"True crime."

Alexander shook his head in understanding, "Interesting."

She carried on reading and Alexander went back to work but she could not help herself from glancing at him.

She could not lie but he did look sexy,

"Why are you looking at me with those fuck me eyes once more. Do you want me to take you?"

Julia blushed immensely. "I'm zoning out, okay! It means nothing. Why does your mind go to dirty thoughts? I'm not looking at you with those eyes."

She mentally hit herself, why had she answered that so defensively, which meant that she did feel some sort of attraction towards him.

He grinned, "If you say so."

Julia felt drowsy when she woke up, there was a blanket over her, and knew it was Alexander.

Yet he was not there, she began to walk back inside when she saw Alexander by the driveway.

When she was about to call out to him, she saw Ava. They were in a heated conversation, she snuck in the corner to hear them.

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