Chapter 15

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"Why do you want to get rid of me so much Julia?"

"I just don't want you to waste time on me."

"Who said I'm wasting my time?"

"Okay, fine can we make it two songs, take an hour's break, and then do the other two."

"For better or worse, you're not going anywhere." And his tone was one of defiance, was he thinking this was some sort of competition?

"Jeez, it is not that deep."

"I mean I have to be all over my new wife, the honeymoon phase, and with the way you made yourself look tonight, it would be impossible for any husband to want to keep their hands off their wife."

"You seem to be blaming me for getting dressed."

"You are a rare beauty, that is why every man in here keeps stealing glances at you, even though they know you are with me."


"Which means your beauty has hypnotized them to the point that they have forgotten their own fears and even their partners."

Julia nodded and laid her head on Alexander's chest, he was warm, the music was soft and nice, and she felt content, like she was in a fairy tale but the dreamer had to awaken soon.

He was gentle with the way that he swayed, and let him lead her, she hummed along to the music softly, then all of it was gone, and he pulled back, "I have to go."

Julia nodded and saw him make his way to Ava, she looked for Blake but could not find her, she took out her phone and there was a message

I hope we can catch up soon, something came up and I have to go sadly.

"Can I dance with you?"

She turned and there stood a handsome man with ashy blonde hair, "Sure."

There was no reason for her to refuse and Blake was not here, so she was alone, and being alone she would have to go to Alexander who seemed to be having the time of his life with Ava on the dance floor.

The stranger pulled her into his arms and started to move

"Fairy tales are not true."

Julia was surprised at his words, "Huh?"

"It doesn't take much to notice that you and your husband are in a fake relationship."

"Who told you that? You have no right to say that."

"Of course, anyone paying attention would think you two are a lovie dovie couple, but then all I see is a flash of hurt in your eyes when he says something to you and you stiffen a bit."

"So all of this you have seen, what do you want from it?"

"Nothing, you're a princess, who needs to be with someone. A flower needs to be taken care of, for it to not wither and die away."

Julia sighed, she had not much fight left in her, and when they finished dancing,

"Can I talk to you outside?"

Julia turned to Alexander and he was engrossed in Ava, "Sure."

No point in staying, being a loser watching her husband make a fool out of her, and if she forced him back to her, he would just be cruel to her.

They sat outside, "Leo."


"Beautiful name, fit for a princess."

She rolled her eyes, "How cliché."

"Not on this one."

Leo took off his blazer for her and draped it around her,

"Thank you."

"Do you want to run away?"

Julia was surprised at his words, "What?"

"I felt the same once, where you don't fit in, horrible surroundings, one touchstone and you're willing to give it all up."

"You read my mind." She replied defeated.

"What if I can show you the world?"

"Why would I trust you?"

"You have to, what other choice do you have?"

Leo took a pen and wrote his number on her hand, "If you want, hit me up and I will be there in a heartbeat."

Julia looked at Leo and could see that he really meant every word that he said, and there was a wildfire in his eyes, the one that would end up burning you too.

"I will think about it."

He grinned, she yawned, and was trying hard to stay awake,


She opened her eyes and realized that she was in Leo's arms, she got up, "Thank you for the company."

"Anytime," Leo responded to her.

She went with Alexander in the car, and they got to their place, Julia was wondering when he was going to go in on her.

The sooner the better so that they could get this out of the way, they had both changed and got into bed.

"Who was that you were talking to outside?"

"Oh Leo, he is a friend."

"Friend? How long have you known him for?"

"Today was the first day."

"So how is he a friend already?"

"There is no rule book on how friendship works, night."

She scooted in under the blankets, then she sat up and took her phone from the side of the table. Julia punched in the number and sent a hey text.

Then she went back to sleep.

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