Chapter 26

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She took a step back instinctively but stopped herself, there was no way that she would act weak and frightened, he would use it to his advantage.

His hands went to her waist and pulled her in swiftly, her pulse throbbed fast.


Alexander's lips were on her, and he kissed her, she had to pull away. She was heaving trying to catch her breath.

Her eyes widened and she took a step back; being close to him clouded her judgment, and she cursed herself for falling into his trap.

"What is going on with you?"

"I want you."

"You were just with Ava?"

"And you want me, now you will have me."

"Why are you saying it like that?"

"I want you to see the real me, and I love wild sex by the way."

Julia's mouth fell, "I'm not a hooker or someone................."

"Of course you aren't, you're my wife."

"How can I give you wild sex when I have never done it you know."

"You will learn."

"I think you are confused."

"How am I, my love?"

Julia scoffed, and made her way downstairs, and was blocked, "If you wish to keep your jobs you better move."

She could see they, were a bit nervous and knew that she could crack them if she "You don't want to keep me waiting."

"Sir said to not let you out."

"I'm the one who is in charge of the household staff and you all will be fired if you don't move aside this instant."

She saw them starting to move out of her way, and as she moved a step,

"Don't let her through."

The workers closed and stood there in front of her in a flash.

Julia stood there, "Move."

None of them budged and Alexander stood next to her and smiled at her. Julia stormed off and went back to their room.

She slammed the door shut. Maybe he would fall asleep, and then she would sneak out. A few minutes later Alexander came in, and she sat on the bed.

He went to change and came back in his briefs only as usual, "Aren't you going to change."

"I will when I feel like it."

He switched off the lights and there was a very dim glow from the side lamp, then instead of climbing into bed he went and stood in front of her.

He crouched and began unstrapping her shoes, Julia pulled back, "I will do it myself when I feel like it, no need to."

Alexander gripped her leg and she could not pull it back, he removed her shoe and did the same on the other leg.

"Go change."

She went to the bathroom and put on her nightgown, gritting her teeth.

Julia was not giving up on going out, fine it would be harder to sneak out but not impossible. She climbed into bed but squeaked in surprise when Alexander pulled her into his arms, he kissed her, and she wrapped her hands around his neck, her fingers raking through his hair.

She pulled back as she could not breathe, but Alexander pulled her back in and kissed her much harder.

Julia drew back, and she was breathing heavily, he did not even look a bit fazed,

"These are the types of kisses that I like, long and hard."

She scorned at him, this son of a bitch.

Alexander rolled over so that she was beneath him, and buried his head on the curve of her neck, he was heavy and there was no way that she could sneak out at this point.

She let out a sigh, and Alexander snuggled more into her.

There was no way out...

Now as she sat outside on the phone with Blake. She told her everything that was going on.

Blake had devised a plan and hoped it would work out, Alexander was in his office as usual, and Blake came over.

They switched clothes, and she put a scarf around her face just as Blake did. Her heart hammered as she walked out the door.

The workers were not paying much attention, so Julia got in the car and sped away, when she reached the club, she took off Blake's clothes and was left in a short skirt and top.

Blake came fifteen minutes later, and when she told her how the workers freaked out, she laughed.

They walked into the club and went to the bar, Julia drank more than usual as she had not been able to go out.

"Tonight it's a fun time."

"One hundred percent."

They went to the dance floor, and Blake was dancing with one guy, and she too had one in front of her.

Julia saw Blake's eyes widen and she moved away, Julia wondered why Blake was running away.

Then she felt strong hands on her hips.

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