Chapter 18

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I shivered in the frigid cold air, huddled up as close as I could get to Ghost without climbing onto his tall frame as we stood out the front of the airport. I knew my fur was keeping me warmer than if I'd been without it, but until I acclimatised after being in the Australian desert for the last two years, I'd have to wear something warmer. 

"I thought you were engineered to withstand cold temperatures? You're making me feel cold just lookin' at ya." 

I glanced at Ghost, the face mask covering my lower face, beanie keeping my ears covered meant only my eyes were easily visible. I felt like a mini version of Ghost, my entire body covered top to toe on the commercial flight. Between the two of us, we attracted stares from everyone who got close, but we were left alone which had been to our benefit. The air hostesses had double taked at the sound of my soft growling voice and had aimed to deal with us as little as possible at that point. I crossed my arms and scowled. 

"Being engineered for cold weather and having to learn to adapt after living in the Australian heat all my life are two very completely different things." My teeth chattered slightly as a breeze managed to find its way into the small gaps between layers of clothes and kissed along my skin. "Also, it's not like my fur is as thick or full coverage like a wolf's is. The insulation is less than a wolf's, but better than a humans."

Ghost shook his head and opened his pack. He rummaged around in it for a moment as I looked on curiously. He pulled out one of his hoodies and held it out to me. I grabbed it gratefully and tugged it on, surrounded by the smell of his cologne, gunpowder, whiskey and cigarettes. As we walked towards the pick bay, he pulled out a cigarette and lighter, blowing the smoke away from me. Despite the stronger acrid smell, I stayed close by him, not keen on getting separated in a city I'd never been to before. 

Through the crowd my keen eyesight saw a jeep with a familiar face inside it. My tail curled up and around my stomach under my loose training shirt began to wag, the tip of it shifting side to side. "Soaps here," I say and take the lead making my way for the jeep without waiting for Ghosts acknowledgement. 

"Aye lass!" Soap greeted, his eyes immediately drawn to the mask, beanie and the jumper. "I'd wondered how you'd go on a commercial flight with your unique features..."

"Getting through security was a fuckin' bitch. Between the two of us, we got detained by security for several hours when we refused to demask."

Soap chuckled darkly. "Price was not impressed to be receiving a call from the Australian Border security about two of his operators being detained. Absolutely slammed the authorities on that one."

"Mhhhm, we were moved along pretty quickly after that offered us the members lounge too while we waiting. It was so much nicer. So many screaming babies!" I grumble, jumping up into the high jeep in the back and slip the seat belt on. 

I could scent Soaps amusement from the front and I just glared at him and turned to look out the mirror silently as Ghost took the front seat. "Between the two of you, this is clearly going to be a fun ride,"  Soap teased, earning him a double dose of irritation, Ghost leaning forwards to turn the radio on to a level he knew I would tolerate. Soap on the other hand reached to turn it up higher only to receive a slap to the hand and a warning glare from Ghost, but no other explanation. "Fuckin' 'ell, Ghost, what's your problem? Are ye really pissed off about returning back to yer home base? Your reports made it sound like you were sick of living amongst the local Australians.." Soap grouched retreating his hand from the radio knob.

"No you dick," Ghost growled. "Ceri's ears struggle with loud sounds in small spaces without her ear protection. You'll deafen her."

"Oh, shit!" Soap paled slightly. "Sorry Ceri."

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