Chapter 83

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"Captain, Soap, Gaz, I feel like I just got rid of the lot of you." Lieutenant Wagner greets. "Ceri, pleasure to have you back. How have you been enjoying the SAS life?"

"It's been treating me well, Lieutenant."

"And your handler?" He asked, eyes roving down the hallway as if the bigger man was hiding in plain site.

"He and Shane are currently at the labs. I wanted to get settled in, and hit the walls while I'm here. We definitely have better gym equipment here for hybrids, as much as I love the treadmills on base, they just can't handle my heavy usage."

"Very well. You'll all have the same rooms as previous, speak to Private Caldwell to grab your keys. I think at this point we just give you designated rooms. Typically once our recruits and handlers leave, they don't come back."

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Lieutenant. I'll always have my eye on you."

"I have no doubts about that."

I bounded into the facility. "Private Caldwell, my favourite Private."

"Pretty sure I'm the only private you know." She smiles warmly at me, the keys to our rooms already in her hand. 

"I'm sure you know the way well enough."

"Sure do, thanks." I snag the keys and watch as the guys come in. I snicker softly as I watch Gaz come up and begin flirting with Caldwell.

"Andrea, it's a pleasure to see you again." He winks at her only to receive an eyeroll in response. 

"Gaz, the pleasure is all yours, I assure you." She responds dryly.

"Aww, don't be like that baby, I know you love me." He grins, leaning up against her desk only for her to swat his hands away.

"Begone with you, devil spawn."

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him away from the faintly amused Private through to the secure area of the facility. 

"Tell me Ceri, I have a chance with her."

"Sorry Gaz, but you don't have a snowballs chance in hell with her."

"What?" His voice increased in pitch as he stopped walking to glare down at me. "Why not? Surely she's not immune to my 'rizz'?"

"More like the tizz." I chuckle at his offended expression. "She's not interested in men Gaz. She's an out and proud lesbian for longer than I've known her."

"Oh. Why didn't she tell me?" His brow creased as he tried to figure it out.

"She probably thought she'd never have to deal with you ever again."

"I'm a delight."

"Uhuh, sure you are buddy."

"And how do you know?"

"I spent two years in this facility and I have super senses, there's not a lot I don't know." I bump his shoulder and come to the rooms. I pass over the keys to the boys, keeping Shanes and Ghosts on me and enter into my own room.

Instead of heading down to the gym as I had said I was going to, I grab out a towel, spare clothes, toiletries and make my way for the showers. Standing under the shower I can see the water run rusty and gritty even without the use of shampoo. I shudder obviously having become nose blind to my own scent.

Getting out of the shower some time later I feel somewhat refreshed and a hell of a lot cleaner. My hair poofs up as I dry it, and groan that I've forgotten my brush. I dump my stuff into the hamper in my room with the intention of sing the heavy duty washers in the officers unit. I flop down on the bed only for my phone to ding with a text message. I groan and consider the implications of not answering it. I pull it out.

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