Chapter 23

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"Kleine Wölfin!" König snapped at me, pulling up on the leash, digging the spiked collar into my neck, drawing blood. The blood trailed through my fur, sending the golden blonde strands a russet red. I leaped up at him, snarling and slobbering, the muzzle protecting him as my jaws snap furiously trying to get to skin and muscle. His long arms yanked me backwards, sending me sliding on my back.

"For fucks sake!" Ghost yelled from behind us, his arms handcuffed behind him, his legs chained together, a matching collar and leash on him, albeit no spikes for Ghost. "You're hurting her, you fucking monster!" Ghost seethed. I could feel his anger thinly layering the pain and regret in him for agreeing to this plan. I lunged again, this time making it look like I was trying to get back to Ghost. Which really, I would have much preferred my handler holding my leash for this rather than König. The big man really was far too delighted with his role after I had snubbed his offer. 

I whimper as König once again yanks on my leash dragging me back towards him. The spikes dig in harder, lodging in place this time. I swallow hard, whimpers of pain escaping my throat. I rear up, howling mournfully, the sound echoing through the hall. 

"Wolf, listen to me," the begging pleading sound of Ghosts voice broke my heart even as much as I knew this was all a part of the act. I turned, and the look in Ghosts eyes almost made me break completely. "Wolf, please?" He whispered softly as I again lunged for him, playing my part of the charade. Trying to get back to my handler, letting everyone see that I only listened to him.

"Wölfin, that's enough!" König growled. He grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, lifting me clean up single handedly leaving me dangling in the air like a disobedient pup. My arms and legs scrabbled at thin air as those cold blue eyes stared me down. I snapped and snarled at him, pushing through the sudden surprise of finding myself suddenly at eye level with the six-ten man. His eyes flicked to my neck, equal hints of desire and remorse flashed through his expression before he steeled himself. He enjoyed causing pain, but felt bad that he was harming a current team member. After all, he'd come to us for this plan, and it was only because of me we were standing here currently.

He shook me violently, the movement making me stop everything as my head felt like it was going to fall off. "You and your so called handler are fucking filth for fleeing your duties. Fortunately for me, you're going to make me a lot of money, Kleine Wölfin. I have heard there are many betters here tonight who want to get their hands on you, even if you already have a bonded handler."

"Get your fucking hands of my Dog, you filthy fucking cock sucking gutter scum!" König's eyes flashed with amusement while he stared at me, the insult from Ghosts mouth catching us both by surprise. König steeled his expression before he turned and eyed down Ghost with a casual disdain. "Fine," he mutters, his accent thick and he throws me towards Ghosts feet. My body rolls as I land, the wound in my side causing me to whimper in combination with the pain of a heavy landing. Ghost struggles against the people controlling him and drops to his knees. I can smell the pain he's fighting as he watches me with König. I open my eyes and look up at my handler, his face bare for the first time. I'd seen him briefly before we were bought to the warehouse without the mask, but hadn't had a chance to take in the sight fully. 

His gorgeous blond hair had soft curls cropped short on the sides, a little longer on top. His nose, surprisingly straight had a small pale scar across the bridge. His square jaw had a light black stubble from a days not shaving. His lip, a little crooked on the left from a small but ragged scar running through the top lip and up his cheek. He had a scar on the right eyebrow, running straight through it, and another scar to the right of that one, smaller, less noticeable. The piece de résistance however were those chocolate brown eyes, no longer framed by his skull mask, or the black balaclava. They held a softness I'd rarely seen since I'd met him. It was like by removing his mask, he removed his defences, nothing keeping his emotions in check. I didn't like how vulnerable he seemed without his mask, emotions on display for everyone to see. Unfortunately, that was also part of the plan. Our enemies needed to see that I needed Ghost just as much as Ghost needed me. He was the only one who could control me, and in turn, the buyers would be able to see Ghost could be controlled by using me.

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