Chapter 69

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After searching the CIA offices for nearly an hour, I finally found Wolf curled up in Laswells office under the desk. 

"Pup?" I call out in Laswells office when I finally decide to check there. All I get is an answering growl, and I can hear her hiccupy sobs. She's been crying for the last hour and She's finally drained herself dry by the sounds of it. I close the door behind me and enter into the room slowly, crouching down to look under Laswells desk. "Hey Pup. You need to come out now."

Her answering head shake has me sighing. I shift the chair out of the way and crawl under the desk with her. 

"Ghost-" She mutters as she tries to squeeze herself into a ball to give me room. Slouching, head bent, I reach out and hoist her into my lap, allowing me to stretch out a little more. Her little yelp of surprise and indignation makes the corners of my lips tilt up. Despite the initial surprised yelp however she doesn't argue, instead settling in against me curled up and sniffling softly. 

"It's not your fault you know."

"I know." 

"If it hadn't been you, it would have been me. I probably wouldn't have even stopped for long enough to realise she wasn't feral."

"Hmmm..." Her lacklustre answer has me wrapping my arms around her, fingers searching for the base of her neck. "How many times have you had to kill parents in front of the children?" 

Her question catches me off guard, my fingers pausing in the soothing scratching as my breath catches in my chest. Memories flood me, my time in the Military, the SAS, and specifically 141. 

"Too many times, pup. I've lost count."

She nods, leaning her head against my chest. "Does it get easier?"


"I thought that might be the case."

We sit in silence for some time and I listen to her breathing begin to ease out. My phone chimes with a message and I check it sending off confirmation to Laswell that I'd managed to find Wolf in the end. 

"Why'd you come here Pup?" Curiosity getting the better of me.

"Laswell smells good."

"Better than me?" I ask with a smile, already knowing the answer.

"No." I can hear the beginnings of a smile in her voice as she speaks. 

"What does Laswell smell like?"

"She smells like a creamy honey. She has hints of mint. I think she smells strongly of her wife. It's a surprisingly refreshing smell. I think I'd like her too."

We sit for a little while longer and I know when she's sensed my intentions to suggest we leave the little hidey hole she's found as she nods her head. "I suppose so," she hums to my unasked question and slides from my lap and crawls out. She wipes at her face, trying to dry her fur as much as she can. She watches with a soft amusement as I crawl out from underneath the desk and groan as I stretch my cramped back. 

"Why did you do that to yourself, Ghost?" She asks, shaking her head. 

"Because you wouldn't come out." Her eye roll let's me know she doesn't accept my answer but isn't planning on arguing with me. "Alright Pup. We need to go speak to Ben and Laswell about what to do with Lilly."

"She should go to Australia." Wolfs response is an expected one, and I even agreed with it. But as it was, Lilly as far as we knew was an American citizen, possibly with family who needed to be informed about her. I don't answer her and instead silently guide our way back to the medbay. Wolf trudges behind me lacking her usual grace as her head hangs low. As we approach the medbay however, she begins to straighten herself up and plants a small but genuine smile on her face ready to face Lilly again. 

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