Chapter 26

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I watched as König dragged Wolf through the hallway, her feral attitude causing him to strain on the leash every time she lunged. I could see that he was struggling holding on, every leap or lunge causing him to tighten his core a split second before the leash snapped taut. She hadn't been kidding on going to a specialty store that had reinforced materials, she would have broken anything from a standard petstore. Her fur protected her from the spikes on the collar to a small degree, but I saw her wince the moment they embedded into her skin. 

I struggled against Horangi and Zero trying to get to my War Dog as she struggled. Words slipped from my mouth, and while I didn't notice the words I said, I knew I was begging, pleading with König. This wasn't entirely the plan, but I could see the rivulets of blood staining Wolfs chest, sending her golden fur a russet red. I saw the wince every time she lunged or moved. She had argued that she could handled this assignment, and her ability to continue acting feral despite the spikes digging into her neck proved she was correct. I didn't appreciate however König's rough handling of my Dog. 

Horangi knew that this was all part of the plan and kept his thoughts to himself, but Zero kept muttering under his breath about the bitch and how we should just put a bullet in her brain. His comments set me on edge, a soft growl emanating from my lips. Horangi shoved me, making me stumble and I missed the moment König lifted Wolf up by the nape. I looked up to see her dangling in his big hand, staring at him as he threatened her.

I snapped, all the anger I felt at Wolf's treatment spilled over the edge. "Get your fucking hands of my Dog, you filthy fucking cock sucking gutter scum!" I don't even know where the insult came from, spilling from my lips like a curse. Pain flashed across my expression for everyone to read as he agreed and sent her sprawling across the floor to my feet. Her whimpering broke me. 

I struggled against the men trying to hold me back and I dropped to my knees, the pain bubbling and spilling out. Her eyes lock with mine, a soft reassuring look crosses her face before she stands up bumping against me, almost making me stumble from my crouch before she lunges for Zero. I watch as the go tumbling to the floor, Wolf snapping and snarling as the man's fear is tangible even to me. Fear turns my blood to ice as König swoops in and snatches her around the middle, fearing for her safety. I had to keep reminding myself it was all for show. Fortunately I didn't have to fake my fear for the audience to see. I just had to remember to let it show on my face. I beg König to let me hold her leash. I remember to make sure it's clear for the audience that she listens to me, that she's just trying to get back to me. She'll behave better in my hands. Horangi snips the flexi cuffs loose and relief surges through me despite Ceri being dropped hard and her wince. Horangi grabs out another set of cuffs, and cuffs my hands in front so I can handle Wolfs leash without an issue. 

I pull off the collar her whimpers spearing through me as I cause her more pain, soft soothing words spilling from my lips. I retort back to the men about stopping her bleeding, anger spilling through me at their feigned callousness. I rip my shirt to create bandages and stem the bleeding, flipping the collar back around and placing it back on, my heart thumping. I notice as she tries to lick me reassuringly, coming up against the muzzle. I pat her head gently, and begin moving again on autopilot.  I could tell she was picking up on the fear clutching at my throat, closing off my airways and threating to call the whole scheme off. I had felt fear before, always for my team mates when they were a little bit too slow to respond on comms, or when I saw them caught in a hail of bullets. The fear I felt for Ceri, the anger I experienced watching her be manhandled by the Kortac Colonel ate away at me and settled deep inside putting me on edge more than any other mission ever had. 

We get led to a room filled with other captives, and Wolf plays her part lunging towards one of the already terrified people. König demands we be taken elsewhere so we at least get a space to ourselves. I am grateful for that at least. I tug on the leash, silently indication to Wolf to back off, and she steps back obediently. We follow our 'captors' and König shoves me into the office when I hesitate to go in, my knees buckling slightly. The door shuts behind us, and we are left alone. Automatically I turn to Wolf, my hands inspecting her body, especially her hips, concerned the throw might have dislocated something. Somehow, she seemed fine despite the wounds I'd already mended. I speak softly, reassuring her and me, her body leaning  up against mine settles something deep within me as I'm finally able to inspect her closely and see that she really is ok despite the abuse König put her through for our little play.

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