Chapter 20

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I don't know anymore where my life is taking me!? But I am trying my best not to take the wrong path.  


Meanwhile jungkook's condition was not at all good. He was trying his best to find the real culprit and send them behind the bars. 

But it seems like luck was not in his favour. He has tried many times to collect all the evidences but still the evidence which can clearly state the culprit was  them only is not yet found. Namjin are also trying their best to help jungkook in this and is always there for him whenever he felt like giving up. 

Although jungkook had called taehyung atleast once a week due to his hectic work and stress but taehyung has never shared his pain with him. 

But one day, while namjin was going through the case from starting they finally found the clue that can lead them to the evidence for which they were looking for. Finally jungkook can be proven innocent by the court and their life will be back to normal. They started their search from the very next moment and it took them only 1 week to find the evidence leading to culprit. 

It was the video of jungkook secretary signing a deal and taking money from some of the strange people who was later recognised as the men of the Park Corporation whose head was also Seojoon's dad. 

It took time but as this evidence came out slowly all the evidences was clearly depicting that the mastermind of this whole conspiracy was Mr. Park and his daughter, May. Although there was no evidence against Seojoon as they had always kept her away from this dirty works. (May and Seojoon are sisters)

Both were given the life time prisonment and penalty was also taken for the loss faced by jungkook's company. 

The final hearing 

Everyone was gathered in the court for the final hearing and the heartbeat of every person was faster than ever. Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon was sitting beside each other with their hands tightly held and breath hitched as the judge was finally going to announce the final result of case. 

Judge wrote his final statement and looked up with a blank face. He took a deep breath and finally said

Judge: " From all the documents and proofs, it is clear that Mr. Shin Park has intentionally stole the Jeon Corporation's documents and design through jungkook's secretary jiwan and has sold them to other companies. Therefore court has decided life imprisonment for Mr. Shin Park and they have to pay penalty of 5000000 won for the loss faced by Jeon Corporation. The court is adjourned! "

Every staff of Jeon Corporation started celebrating by hugging jungkook and congratulating him for the victory. Jungkook had tears in his eyes and to hide it from them, he went inside the washroom and started crying with a huge smile adoring his face. 

After few minutes when he calm himself, he washed his face and went out to all his staffs and namjin. As soon as jungkook came out from washroom, Jin immediately hugged him and said

"Congratulations! Jungkook I am happy for you! "

"It's all happened because of you two hyung! Please tell me what I can do for you? I owe you hyung! Thank you thank you so much. "

He said with a big bunny smile.

"We don't want anything kook. Just keep smiling like this. And let me adopt you my baby! "

Jin said with mischievous smile while squeezing his chubby cheeks and jungkook whined while saying

"Hyung! You can't adopt me now I am not a child anymore. "

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