Asher has a problem.

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Asher decided he was going to show Luke and Lucas the video. They had to stop the car where Luke could throw up. All the brothers cried. They promised they would not hurt him like David did. Lucas pulled him into a hug, and he was sitting on his lap. Asher had to sit back in the seat and buckle up. Lucas is holding his hand though. Asher feels loved. He knows this is going to be awkward. Elijah, Luke, and Lucas are nice though. Asher's stomach starts hurting. He looks over at Lucas. This conversation for the rest of this chapter will be between all the brothers. Elijah(E), Lucas(L), Luke(Lu), and Asher(A). 

(A) Lucas.

(L) What's up buddy?

(A) My stomach hurts really bad. 

Asher tries to whisper this. He doesn't want Elijah or Luke to hear. 

(L) What do you mean?

(A) I think I need to use the bathroom. 

Elijah sees the two brothers whispering. He speaks up. 

(E) What is going on?

(A) Nothing. 

Lucas looks at Asher. Asher realizes he does not want to get a strike or be deceitful to Elijah. Elijah has been nothing but good to him since he got there. 

(A) I'm sorry. My stomach is hurting. I think I need to use the restroom. 

(E) It's ok buddy. You do not have to be embarrassed about that. We are almost home, maybe two minutes. Can you hold it? 

(A) Yes, I think so. 

(Lu) You are always polite, Asher. 

(L) Yes, you are. 

(A) What do you mean?

(Lu) I would have just said I need to take a crap and hurry. 

Asher laughs at what Luke says. All three of the brothers faces light up. Asher has an amazing smile and laugh, and they are glad to hear it. 

(L) We are here. Come on I will unlock the door. 

Asher and Lucas jump out of the SUV and head inside. Asher kicks his shoes off and rushes to the bathroom. Lucas goes back out and helps bring the bags inside. 

(E) Put them on your bed Lucas. We will go to my room after the bathroom.

(Lu) What about the new phone? 

(E) You can set it up for him and help him. 

(L) Do you think he will like it?

(E) I think so. They gave him an old iPhone with a home button. Which one did you get?

(L) I got him the same one as us. The fourteen-pro max. I got him the purple one, considering. 

(Lu) Considering what?

(E) He will tell you when he is ready. 

(Lu) That's not fair. Yall both know and I can't. I made up with him last night and I apologized. He said he trusted me. 

(E) Lucas was ease dropping and heard. He wanted to tell yall at the same time. 

(L) He doesn't know I know does he?

(E) Yeah, he said you have bright shoes. You need to learn how to ease drop better. He knows you heard the conversation in the bathroom. 

(L) I am sorry. He just looked so upset. I wanted to make sure he was ok. 

(Lu) You didn't spank him in the car, did you?

(E) No. We just talked. 

(Lu) Good. 

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