Asher feels betrayed!

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Asher runs past Elijah and he makes it to the toilet to throw up. Elijah is right behind him, and he is rubbing his back. He feels bad for his sick little man. Asher stops and he sits on the floor. He flushes the toilet, and he hugs Elijah. Asher is trying to milk this. He does not want them to invite Carter over.

Elijah helps him up and they go to his room. He walks to Asher's room and grabs some clothes. He goes back to his room and helps Asher in the shower. He washes Asher and Asher sits and waits for him to shower. He finishes up and he helps Asher out of the shower. They dry off and slide some boxers on and go to his room.

He dresses the wound on Asher's back, and he slides a shirt on Asher. Elijah and Asher will talk.

(E) What do you think you could eat baby?

(A) I am not hungry. Can I go lay down in my room?

(E) Yeah, I will check on you in just a bit.

(A) Ok, I love you.

(E) I love you too.

Asher goes to his room and crawls under the covers. He just lays down and he decides to try and sleep. He is going to have to break up with Carter. The other brothers do not trust him. Now Asher thinks he can't trust him. He finally drifts off to sleep. He is upset and he wants today to be over with.

Luke and Maverick have made it to the restaurant. They walk in and sit at a table. They order their food, and they talk and wait for it to come.

(M) This place looks expensive.

(Lu) Do not worry about that. I have it covered.

(M) Are you sure?

(Lu) Yes baby.

(M) I will make sure I cover something else later tonight.

(Lu) We have a deal.

The waiter brings the food out and they start to eat. They finish their conversation, and they go to the car. They drive to the park and sit by the water. It is a breezy night and no one is around.

(M) I am really glad Asher came to live with you.

(Lu) Me too. He is the best and I have a stronger relationship with everyone. I also got a cute person out of it.

Maverick leans in and he kisses Luke. They lean back and start making out. Luke lets his hand slide down the front of Maverick's jeans. He is already hard as a rock. He smiles and stops the kiss.

(Lu) Let's head home. I think we could have a lot more fun.

They get up and walk to the car. They get in and drive back to the house. They walk in and Elijah is cooking dinner for him and Lucas. Maverick and Luke join them in the kitchen to talk.

(M) Where is Asher?

(E) He got sick.

(Lu) What do you mean?

(E) His stomach was hurting, and he threw up.

(Lu) Where is he?

(E) He is sleeping. I checked on him around twenty minutes ago.

(M) Are we sure that is it? He seemed upset he could not share our secret with Carter.

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