Chapter 313

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The five of us set off in the morning, leaving Chester behind.

It's still dark out, but hints of day creep up on the horizon as we venture off into the desert toward the abandoned town and observatory I've been keeping an eye on for days.

Our movements are a bit slower than my usual pace because we're not all air-stepping through the sky.

This may slow us down some, but it's also a bit more of a stealthy approach.

My perception skills are on full blast our entire way to the destination. I don't expect to find anyone out here at this hour, but keeping an eye out on our surroundings is a no-brainer.

The path over is quick and silent. Anticipation grows with every step.

Once within less than a kilometer of the destination, we all slow down. Eventually, the five of us make it to the last high-rising dune of sand leading down to the abandoned village on the other side. Simultaneously, the sun begins to rise. Its golden rays come down to light up the white dome atop the cliff that overlooks the Abyss.

Its sonar is still active even this early in the morning. A grey pulse of energy beams from the rooftop and soars into the darkness. The act lets out a light buzz that vibrates through all of our ears.

We come to a halt as I do a full scan of the building up on the cliff, then whisper under my breath.

"Just as I expected."

Three figures show up on my radar.

One of which is still in the mana-blocking cuffs. They show up in my enemy detection skill, just like the others did back in the underground lair when they were in cuffs. My appraisal and inspect skills cannot sense a single thing about their status. All signs point toward this being Lydia.

Next, the level 651 with his full wardrobe full of +100% or greater defense items and multiple legendary combat skills appears. My eyes wander down to his [Solid Steel Defense] buff again, wondering exactly how it works.

However, these thoughts soon get pushed to the back of my mind as the final figure's information flashes into my mind's eye.

The sight of it makes me feel uneasy.


[Lv. ??? Access Denied]

Active Items: [??? Access Denied]

Active Skills: [??? Access Denied]

Buffs: [??? Access Denied]


The eerily familiar [??? Access Denied] symbols pop up all over the third figure's status screen within the observatory. Even their level is blocked from my vision.

It looks just like those error messages that showed up on the man's status from the auction. Lith, the man who runs the mercenary guild in Valor City. This has to be some kind of special concealment item. If not, it has to be some kind of special buff or skill...

I'm unsure why else their status would be blocked from my vision.

I grit my teeth and duck my head down; my teammates follow my lead without knowing exactly why.

"They're definitely here. Two Inner Circle members, and one hostage. Lydia is still breathing."

Sighs are let out all around me, but my mind is elsewhere.

As these words leave my lips, our possible options for infiltration begin to race through my mind. I knew coming into this, there was going to be a mystery man; the craftsman. However, I assumed said mystery would be much easier to solve the moment I got a proper scan of him.

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