Chapter 372

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A Blue Wyvern.

As the white flash of transport magic brings my opponent into the ring, it spreads its long pale blue wings and jumps high into the air.

The ear-shattering screech provokes the crowd to yell louder to match its sound, and I get a good view of the 10-meter-long lizard creature doing circles over my head.

It looks very similar to Ember's younger form, only this monster doesn't have front legs. It just has long taloned feet, a white underbelly, and long out-stretched wings.

Its sharp eyes are locked on me from above, waiting for the perfect time to plummet down and strike.

The announcer's voice echoes through the ring as I use appraisal on the level 595 ranked-up creature above.

It has 3 skills and 1 ranked-up buff.

Active skills:

[Intimidation][Special Grade]

[Body Hardening][Legendary Grade]

[Combat Magic][Advanced Fire Summoning]


[Blue Wyvern's Inferno]

Another screech fills the ring, and it dives down at me, releasing a wave of its intimidation skill.

It sends shivers down my spine, just like the first time I felt this skill in the bloodhound dungeon months ago.

I activate my buffs in reply to boost my mental strength as much as possible, counteracting the psychic attack and throwing back a wave of intimidation myself. The invisible waves of energy collide and make a loud cracking sound like thunder, but the monster uses this opportunity to dive down and ignite its body with dark red flames.

Its skin shifts colors too as body hardening is activated, shimmering silver beneath its veil of flames. Its wings look like sharpened silver butcher knives falling from the sky. Its entire body is covered with a dense layer of mana shielding as well.

I make the split-second decision to grab my sword and brace for impact. Although I'd like to train my Qi, there's a time and place for testing. Right now I need to properly gauge my opponent's strength and guarantee the upper hand before I do any experiments.

My entire body ignites with flames, and I swing my blade upward at the monster's incoming attack.

On impact, both of us let immense balls of fire go from our advanced fire magic skills and for a moment the audience can't see a single thing.

The whole dome fills with dark flames and the echoing twang of mana blades colliding keeps everyone on edge.

I grit my teeth with pain and excitement, as the edge of the Blue Wyvern's wing stops the upward motion of my sword. At the same time, the Wyvern is shocked that my swing stopped it from crushing me completely.

With a wide stance, I stand my ground above the cracked layers of earth below my feet.

The monster swoops upward as I begin to activate lifesteal and plunderer. It can sense the energy leaving its body, but I hardly manage to take more than 2% of its overall health.

Another loud screech fills the air as the plumes of flames dissipate and both of us stare each other down.

"This is going to be a long one... Isn't it...?"

Another few waves of intimidation come down at me while the Wyvern circles in the air waiting for a perfect time to strike.

It's taking a lot of energy for me to keep my mental strength buffs activated. Thankfully, the recent upgrade to my berserker skill to legendary grade has brought its buff to 125% on both strength and mental strength, but just like the bloodlust upgrade, it uses up much more mana to activate it now.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now