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Personifications: Wilmington 

Type of Personification: City

Mother: America 


Gender: Male 

Native Name: Elsu

English Name: Cameron 

Last Name: Uentillie 

Personification Nicknames: Wil, Ming, Mington

Native name nicknames: El, U, Su

English Name Nicknames: Cam, Ron, Ronnie, Cai

Physical Age: 15

Actual Age(time of death): 310 (state age 202)

Birthday: 12/7/1631

Area Incorporated: 1739

During Civil War: Union 

Death Date: 4/28/1942

Reason for Death: shot in head after being captured by German Soldiers in WW2

Physical Description


Hair Type: 3A

Hair Color: Light ash blonde

Hair Length: Ear

Eye Shape: Almond 

Eye Color: Emerald

Skin Tone: Tan 

Animal Characteristic: Gray Fox

Major scars/physical injures: 

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