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Personifications: River Colony, Connecticut 

Type of Personifications: State

Mother: America 


Gender: Female 

Native Name: Kyah 

English Name: Susana 

Last Name: Uentillie 

Personification Nicknames: Con, Cut, CC, Ticut 

Native name nicknames: K, Ya

English Name Nicknames: Suzi, Sue, Zulu, Suki, Zuli, Anna, Ann, Annie 

Extra Nicknames: 

Physical Age: 18 

Birthday: 1/9/1690

Area Incorporated: 1/9/1788

Region: NE

During Civil War: Union  

Physical Description


Hair Type: 2C

Hair Color: Blowout Burgundy

Hair Length: Chin

Eye Shape: Monolid

Eye Color: Paris Drun

Skin Tone: Pale Beige 

Animal Characteristic: American Robin

Major scars/physical injures: Missing most of right leg due to a Shell, and chest and arms covered in puncture scars due to abuse at the Camp (Captured during USA civil war and kept at Andersonville Prison))

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