New York City(Deceased)

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Personifications: New York City New York 

Type of Personification: City


Father: America 

Gender: Female 

Native Name: Nishiime

English Name: Alexandra 

Last Name: Uentillie 

Personification Nicknames: NYC, City, YC, York City

Native name nicknames:  Nishi, Shi-Shi, Shi, Me-Me, Nish

English Name Nicknames: Alex, Zandy, Zandra, Zia, Alexa, Lexi, Xandra 

Extra Nicknames: Daffodil

Physical Age: 15

Birthday: 7/26/1763

Area Incorporated: 9/13/1788

During Civil War: Union 

Date of Death:  9/11/2001

Cause of Death: Major Bleeding due to attack, Crushed by rubble, then suffocated by dust. 

Physical Description


Hair Type: 3B

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde 

Hair Length(time of death): Pixie cut 

Eye Shape: Almond

Eye Color: Forest Green 

Skin Tone: Vitiligo

Animal Characteristic: Beaver 

Major scars/physical injuries: Large burn scars covering body(September 20, 1776) Sw*stika branded on neck (captured during WW2) Scarring on upper chest(1993 bombing)

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