New York

7 0 0


Personifications: New Netherland, New Amsterdam, New York 

Type of Personification: State 


Father: America 

Gender: Male 

Native Name: Ahote

English Name: Adam

Last Name: Uentillie 

Personification Nicknames: NY, Apple, York

Native name nicknames: Hotie, Atie, Te-Te

English Name Nicknames: Adi, Ace, Adders, Adzy, Addy

Extra Nicknames: 

Physical Age: 17

Birthday: 7/26/1761

Area Incorporated: 7/26/1788

Region: NE

During Civil War: Union 

Physical Description


Hair Type:  2A

Hair Color: Light Ash Blonde

Hair Length: Shoulder

Eye Shape: Hooded

Eye Color: Baby Blue

Skin Tone: Sea-Shell

Animal Characteristic: Bluebird 

Major scars/physical injuries: Sw*stika branded on neck (captured during WW2) Scarring on upper chest(1993 bombing) Large Scar on right side of face(9/11) 90% blind in right eye.   Major Burns and scarring on left hip and chest(9/11) scarring on upper right arm(November 12, 2001)

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