Boston (Deceased)

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Personifications: Boston Massachusetts 

Type of Personification: City 

Mother: America 


Gender: Male 

Native Name: Benidi

English Name: Sawyer 

Last Name: Uentillie-Galloway 

Personification Nicknames: Ton, Bee

Native name nicknames: Benny, Idi, Nidi

English Name Nicknames: Saw, Soso, Sy, Sa-Sa

Extra Nicknames:  Bub, Flower 

Physical Age:  3

Birthday: 2/6/1692

Area Incorporated: 

Date of Death: 3/5/1770

Cause of Death: Shot by British Empire during the Boston Massacre 

Physical Description


Hair Type: 2A

Hair Color: Medium Auburn 

Hair Length: Chin 

Eye Shape: Round 

Eye Color: Ocean Blue 

Skin Tone: Milky Tan

Animal Characteristic: Boston Terrier 

Major scars/physical injures:

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