Welcome to Auradon

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*I only own my characters, not anything of the descendants franchise*

Chapter 1:


Today, the new VKs are coming! A lot has changed since Mal and I got married and officially became King and Queen. The Isle is slowly getting much better, and the children are happier. As for us, we started a family.

Evie and Doug got married and have a daughter, Eva (15), and a son named Danny (3).

Carlos and Jane have 2 kids, Carson (12) and Callie (12). They're twins and look like a mix between Carlos and Jane. It's quite cute.

Jafar and Lonnie have 3 kids. Jamie (15), Aiden (13), and Apollo (11).

Uma and Harry have a daughter named Una (15)

Gil and Rachel, the daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene, have 2 kids, Gabe (15) and Griffin (14).

And Mal and I...well it's complicated. Our first born was Princess Malina Victoria Evangeline Beast. But around a year after she was born, she was taken in the middle of the night. We checked all around the Isle, all of Auradon. I had the best guards looking, but we came up empty.

We tried to moved forward as best we could.

Mason (13), Blake (12), and Beatrice (4) came after. They really helped us get through everything, as did our friends and family.

But as we think about the new VKs coming, our minds can't help but wonder that it'll be 15 years without Malia this year.

The limo rolls up haltering my thoughts and stops before. All of Auradon is cheering.

A black hair girl gets out with a black leather jacket. Her face seems familiar, but I can't seem to put it.

A black hair boy with a rugged looking appearance.

A red-haired girl also stepped out in a VK look.

And lastly, it was a taller boy with brown hair and a vest like jacket and cargo pants with rips in them.

Each kid has a small little bag with them

"Welcome to Auradon. We are so happy to have you. My name is Ben, and this is my wife Mal."

"Hi I'm Aaron, and this is my twin sister Heidi. We're the twins of Hannah Hearts also the daughter of the Queen of Hearts"

"Hi! I'm so happy to be here. This is amazing!" Heidi said," and these are my best friends, M, Mother Gothel's daughter, and Sawyer Shan Yu's grandson."

They wave as Jane comes into view.

"Hi guys, I'm Jane, the Headmistress and Jr. Fairy Godmother. I'd like to welcome you all to Auradon and Auradon Prep. Why don't we take a tour."

We led them around and told them about the history of the place.

"These are your schedules" Jane said handing them over and this is Una, Uma and Harry's daughter will show the girls to their dorm and then Aiden, Jay and Lonnie's son will show you to the boy's dorm. If you need anything, you can contact me, or Ben or Mal"

And with that, we waved and then left.


"Look at this room!" I squeal.

This is my dream come true. This is my happily ever after!

"Ouch, DiDi, you're going to blow my ears out"

"Sorry, I'm just super excited. I just signed up for fashion week led by none other than Evie Queen and Dizzy Tremaine! The VKs and the ones that started Evie4Hearts!" I squeal again.

"Well you are gifted in fashion, so you'll be great," she smirked.

"Please tell me you're doing art" I ask.

She has this little shack that we sometimes hang out in, and she's really good at art. Painting, drawing, etc.

"Yeah, maybe art class"

"Well I like that idea" I smile and hug her.

"So-" we start, but then the door knocks.

She walks over and opens the door and finds Mal.

"Queen Mal? Your majesty" she flutters and tries to curtsey.

"It's just Mal when we're not in public, but thank you for the gesture." She beams, "I'm just here to show you to lunch"

"No offense, but um, you didn't have to come all this way to take us to lunch-"

"It's no big deal, and Ben is taking the boys. We try to do this for all the new kids, even the AKs."

I grab my purse, and we walk out of the dorm. We walk past the boys and see Ben and the boys walk out.

"Oh hey guys" Ben smiles as the boys follow.

"Did you girls like the room?"

"Yeah, I'm glad it's not pink," Malia said, making a disgusted face.

The Queen chuckles, I guess, finding it funny.

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