Glowing Green Eyes

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This week, we are getting ready for Family Day. We found out that it was a day where all the parents of the students came and spent time with their kids.

“I want you all to create an original piece. You can make anything as long as it's school appropriate. This year, we're having a contest that will be voted on during Family Day.” Rapunzel smiles.

“What are you going to do for the project?” Wen asks. He's the son of Winter Frost, grandson of Elsa and Jack Frost. I met him on the first day.

“I'm not sure, I'm not really getting inspired” I admit.

“Well” he sighs, “sometimes inspiration is least where you expect it.”

“What? Are you Dr. Seuss now?”

“Hey! What's wrong with Dr. Seuss?”

“Nothing” I grin, putting my hand up defensively, “Just the quote doesn't fit with what I know about you”

“Well what do you know about me?”

“M, Wen, let's get on task” Rapunzel says, “Don't make me call your grandma Wen” she jokes.

I grin and start back on my inspiration hunt.


I'm getting the video call ready for the VKs on Friday, and I'm hoping it will go well. I remember Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay did not have a good run with their parents.

Ever since now, Mal and I stand in on the conversation with Jane in case. We want this to be a happy experience.

“Did we send the instructions over?” I wonder to Evie.

“Yep, all of that is settled.” She cheers, “oh- what do you want to do for the anniversary ball?”

Oh, right, I forgot about that. My mom and dad's wedding anniversary is coming up. We have a huge dance and everyone is invited.

“Um well I guess the normal yellow and blue theme. We should ask La Ratatouille to host again. My parents love it there. For the decorations, I'll get right on that. Now music, well, I guess we can hire a band-”

Suddenly the door opens and I see Mal and the kids. They all run and jump on me in the chair, making Evie and Mal laugh at their antics.

I plant a kiss on each one of their heads and chuckle, “Boys! Bea!”

“Aunt Evie” the boys grin running to hug her aunt.

“Mason, Blake! What are you guys doing out of school?” She questions.

“Well we got out early for the Tourney tournament” Mason starts, and Blake finishes with,

“And… we won 5 out of the 7 games!” They cheer while holding their medals up.

“I'm so proud of you both.” I butt in.

“High five” Evie smiles, earning one from Mason, Blake, and then Bea, “Now what did Miss Bea do?”

“Prescul” she babbles while playing with her dolls.

“I picked her up before the boys’ tornament” Mal explains.

Evie nods and says, “well ill let you guys to to it, I have a few errands to run”


Today at dinner, stuff went down. Right now, we're eating food when this dude named Charlie comes storming up to us.

“Dude who do you think you are” he says, coming at me. The rest of the group stands up and walks around me. Safety in numbers.

I stand up and go, “Whoa what's your deal?”

“Me?” He gasps, “You're the one stealing my girl. Ya, I see you in Chemistry flirting with Arabella and on the field when she's watching me!”

Arabella is Alice's granddaughter and Allison's daughter. I don't know why they like to have letter related names, but who am I to judge?

I put my hands up and say, “It wasn't like that. I swear, sure I'm a lady's man, but only when their not taken”

A whole group of kids formed around us to watch it go down.

“You know,” he yells, making a huge scene, “ever since VKs got here, they've messed everything up. Years ago, it destroyed us, and you are just like them, a nuisance to Auradon”

Before I could stop her, M came around and stood in front of me,

“Charles back down”

I hear gasps, whispers, and see people recording.

“I'm not scared” he rolls his eyes.

“You should be” she growls softly, but like a coward, he runs away, making us laugh.

“Girl, nice job” Una high fives M, and Eva and DiDi hug her.

“thanks m” I smile.

“Girl those green eyes, tho, they were fierce” Aiden comments.

“What green eyes?” Aaron asks.

“These” Eva says, holding up her phone that has the Auradonian social page, and there's a video already going viral.


There right on the screen, my eyes are glowing. I mean, I already had hazel green eyes, but they went bright green. I already knew I had magic. I even made a few spells, but being with Mother Gothel, I haven't been able to practice or give it much thought. It still shocks me. Where did I get this magic?

I think I just found my inspiration.

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