chapter 9 - for his bastards.

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after a long tiring lesson with septa marline Y/N found her way to the training yard, where the princelings where training.

Y/N saw the king and her grandsire observing them on the balcony and wanted to join the while she reads the long book her septa gave her. she walked to the steps trying not to trip on her red dress as she did so.

"your grace, grandsire" she said with a curtsy when she reached them.

"ahh Y/N what can we do for you?" spoke the king with a welcoming smile on his face.

"I was wondering if I could sit with you my king and observe the princes while I read?" spoke Y/N with a smile.

"ah of course my lady please sit" spoke the king gesturing to the chair.

after a few minuets of observing the boys hitting fake straw men Y/N began to grew quite bored.

"tell me Y/N, you an insightful young lady, what is wrong with the princelings training at the moment?" spoke Viserys closing his flask.

"happy to your grace, well to start with prince Aegon is overly confident with himself and Aemond doesn't have enough confidence, Jace needs to be more precise and vigilant and little Luke, well he is to little you properly train yet" Y/N happily answered.

"very good my lady, maybe we should get you training them instead" chuckled the king sipping his drink.

"you flatter me your grace, but I don't think I would be any good" Y/N giggled

as ser Harwin entered the training yard Y/N excused herself to go great her father.

"father!" Y/N shouted running over to him.

"hello my little light" he said crouching down to her level.

"father can I have a new septa?" she asked holding out her book

"no my love you cant, im sorry your lucky you have one in the first place" he said chuckling

Y/N groaned and gave up trying to persuade her father.

Harwin stood back up and walked ahead looking and the boys training and Y/N folowed after.

"seams like some of your students could do better with a bit of your attention ser Criston" spoke Harwin adjusting his gloves.

"you question my method of instruction ser ?" spoke crispen obviously annoyed.

"no I just suggest that method be past along to all your students" spoke Harwin with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"alright then, jaceryes you spar with Aegon, oldest son against oldest son" spoke Criston with a shit eating grin of his face.

"hardly seems like a fair match" spoke Harwin obviously.

"I know you've never seen true battle ser but when steel is draw a fair match I something you cant expect"

Aegon and Jace started duelling and Aegon defeated Jace effortlessly. Aegon turned and smirked at Y/N. Harwin looked at his daughter then her betrothed and started to regret his decision to betroth the two.

Jace came running at Aegon swinging his sord violently until he pushed over the hay man and it nearly fell on Jace.

"foul play!" shouted Harwin

Harwin walked over to Jace and aggressively pulled him close to him he whispered something to him and Criston did the same with Aegon.

"YOU!" Aegon shouted obviously pissed of about something Criston had told him.

Aegon began violently swinging his sord and Jace.

"USE YOUR FEET!" shouted Criston and Aegon did exactly that using his foot to kick Jace to the ground

"don't let him get up" told Criston and Aegon started to hit Jace with his wooden sord not giving him a moment to get up.

Harwin rushed over to him shouting that it was "enough" and holding back Aegon sord causing him to stumble back

"YOU DARE PUT HANDS ON ME !" shouted Aegon at Harwin

"Aegon!" Viserys yelled in a poor attempt to scold his son.

"is this what you teach Cole, cruelty, against the weaker opponent!?" spoke Harwin picking up the wooden sords.

Y/N walked over to Jace helping him up earning a scoff from Aegon.

"your interest in the princelings training is quite unusual commander, most men would only have that interest for a brother a cousin....... or a son" spoke Cole with a grin.

out of nowhere Harwin tuned and punched Cole in the face making him fall to the ground and having everyone have shocked expirations on there faces mostly Y/N. Harwin kept punching Crispin over and over again until his face would certainly be bruised and bleeding.

it took 5 guards to pull him of Cole and still he was shouting.

"SAY IT AGAIN!! , SAY IT AGAIN !!" he screamed till his eyes met his daughters, who had tears rolling down her cheeks and was blinking rapidly to stop more tears escaping her eyes.


"be good you your mother lads, we will visit when we can, but that may be some time" spoke Harwin looking at Luke then Jace

Jace stood and walked over to his mother and gave him comforting words.

"we will return, I promise" Harwin said softly lifting up Jace's head.

Y/N stood Infront of Jace tears staining her face, she wrapped her arms around Jace and said

"write to me, please"

"Y/N its time" spoke Harwin picking up his sord and slipping it on. Y/N pulled away from Jace and looked at Rhaenyra who was trying her best to hide her tears. Y/N hugged Rhaenyra tightly and Rhaenyra crouched to wipe her tears.

"I love you mother" she whispered in Rhaenyra's ear.


the trip to harenhall was long and tedious, Y/N could tell her father was dreading going back. her horse havor also seemed like he was dreading going home, he was fussy the whole ride home refusing to go, she should of listened.

as they arrived through the gates of harenhall everyone was still silent until they got inside.

"why did you do it?" asked Y/N trying to confront her father.

"Y/N .. I know it might be hard to understand, but he insulted me" he spoke couching to her hight

"did he insult you? or you BASTARDS?" shouted Y/N

Harwin stood staring at his daughter.

"go to your chambers" sternly spoke Harwin, but his daughter tried to stand her ground

"NOW!" shouted Harwin, causing y/n to run to her chambers tears streaming down her pale cheeks.


"I WILL BURN!" those words echoed the ride back to kings landing after the funeral of her father and grandsire.

Rhaenyra offered to take her in have her become her responsibility, and she felt like she had to for her daughter.

hello sorry I didn't go much into detail about Harwin and lineal death its just really hard and sad to write :( rip

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