Chapter 34 - argument

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You walked with the lady lorena the her chambers to get her settled in, she was a shy girl but you could tell if she got out of her shell she would be more confident.

You entered her chambers and it was a beautiful chamber with a view over looking the ocean and and beautiful yellow walls with flowers painted along the rim, there was a beautiful bed with soft silk pillows and an oak bed frame, it had a beautiful white dressing table and a birch desk for her to study and write ravens.

"Wow your grace this room is beautiful" she spoke breath taken.

"Aw thank you, I was worried you wouldn't like it" you spoke.

She had silky brown hair that was put up in a bun and rested on her head, she wore a pale yellowish dress and black flats.

"My queen I can't thank you enough" she spoke inspecting the different dresses she could wear.

"It's quite alright.... I think I shall leave you to get settled in but if you need me for any questions or if you feel anxious about anything just come and find me and I will find a way to help" you told gently before leaving the room.

"So... dose she seam... nice" Elon asked walking with you back to your chambers since it was getting to be night fall.

"She seams like a lovely girl, I shall talk to dareon to tell him about her on the morrow" you told walking across the hall to the kings and your chambers.

You and your husband shared the kings old chambers before he died, but you sadly had to move his prized sculpture from the chambers to the stone maesters work room so they could do what they wished with it.

You entered your chambers and your husband was already inside at his study obviously distracted by whatever he was writing.

"My love?" You called placing your hand on his shooters to peek at what he was writing.

"Ah y/n... are you alright?" Aegon asked worriedly.

"Yes... I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" You asked concerned.

"Oh my love you haven't heard...." He spoke standing from his study scarcely.

"Heard what?" You asked now scared.

"Sit" he commanded pulling out a chair from the table that now replaced Viserys sculpture.

"Aegon your frightening me" you spoke sadly.

Aegon pulled out a chair to sit infront of you.
He sighed before grasping your hands and speaking.

"My love.... We think lucerys is dead..."

"W-what?" You stuttered.

"Aemond was at dragon stone with lucerys and jacerys and aemond demanded he give him his eye.. and he did.. but that want enough for aemond.. he wanted to tease the two boys so he chased them trough the sky and vhagar got carried away and she... she killed Arax and he fell from the sky so did Luke.. Jace chased after him but we are unsure if he is alive or not" aegon explained.

You sat there silent tears forming in your eyes.. you may not like him but he was your little brother, you taught him about ships he taught you about the history's, you used to play pranks on Jace together you played dragons everyday. You used to read him books before bed when he had nightmares..... and he could be dead and you would never know if I he was alive.

You closed your eyes and stood form your chair. You paced around the room while aegon tried to calm you.

"He-he's dead" you repeated.

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