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aegon went to rule for 20 years until he died of old age.

but before this......

"mother!!" raya shouted as her brother chased after her.

"boys! stop tormenting your sister!" you ordered Baylon and merlin as they where chasing there sister with wooden sords.

"sorry mother...." baylon apologised.

"and you three are meant to be training and with your septa" you told and your children looked at each other.

"run along now" you ordered your children and they fled the room, hopefully to go where they where meant to be.


you walked the halls aimlesly until you ran into your husband and Jace who had surprisingly started to get along.

"we need to take action-" Jace started before he spotted you.

"good morrow sister" Jace spoke with a bow.

"good morrow brother" you and Jace stopped hiding the fact that you where siblings.

"is everything alight my queen?" Aegon asked smiling.

"yes everything is fine, have you seen Helena?" you asked.

"i believe she is in her chambers my dear" Aegon told.

"thank you my dear" you spoke giving him a kiss before walking to Helena's chambers.

helana was glowing, she had just given birth to her 6th child and still looked radiant.

"hello Hela" you giggled.

"good morrow Y/n" Helena spoke sitting herself up in her bed.

"how are you feeling my dear?" you asked.

"a bit better.... im still sad about my mothers passing" Hela answered truthfully.

"i know... she was a good woman" you answered hugging her.


hello this was a very small epilogue because I've never written one before

love you all .

your children

your children

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merlin aged 7

died aged 35

titles: merlin the second cruel son

prince merlin of house targarian.

baylon aged 10

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baylon aged 10

died age 45

titles: baylon the king

baylon the gentle

baylon the gentle

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raya aged 5

died age 67

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the siren princess

princess Raya of house of Targaryen

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the queen raya of house Targaryen

prince lucerys aged  3 months

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prince lucerys aged 3 months

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prince lucerys of house Targaryen.

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