chapter 32- a baby!!!

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you begun to fell sick every morning and you where put of eating some different foods and your handmaidens said you didn't fit certain dresses that had corsets and according to your husband you had become more moody.

the small council has been urging Aegon and you to produce and heir but after manty failed attempts to make a baby the counsel started to urge him to take a second wife but he refused.

you kept feeling sick everyday so you called for the masters and they came and did there evaluation.

"so tell me your grace when was your last blood moon?" the measter asked felling your stomach

"um a month ago, when i started feeling sick" you answered honestly.

"hmm ok, are you sexually active?" the measter asked again.

"umm yes" you spoke awkwardly.

"hmm, well... congratulations my queen, you are to have a child" the measter spoke.

you instantly sat up and looked at the measter surprised

"really" you squealed

"yes your grace" the measter spoke.

you jumped out of your bed and gave the measter a hug before running out of your chambers. Elon rushed after you.

"your grace!" he shouted and you turned around to see him

"Elon im fine i cant talk i need to go" you explained rushing.

"your grace im sorry but i cant leave you to run about the castle" he explained.

"well then ser, as your queen i co and you to let me run around the castle until i find my husband" you jokingly commanded before running down the hall to where the small council was being held.

"ser, is the small counsel having a meeting?" you asked giggly to one of the guards.

"yes my queen" the guard spoke.

"well can you tell the king that i need to speak with him urgently" you comanded.

the guard nodded and walked inside the council room. you waited outside like a little girl waiting for ice cream. until your husband ran out of the council room.

"y/n! are you alright" he asked seriously.

"im with child" you spoke automatically.

"your- your with child" he spoke shocked.

you nodded your head vigorously and he picked you up by your waist and spun you in the air. he gave you a passionate kiss and your did the same. that was when the doors to the counsel opened and a worried alicent standing in the door. you gave aegon one last small kissed before you ushered him into the hall.


there was a tourney held in the honour of your baby to be born even though you hated tourneys you decided to go in honour of your baby and your realm.

the tourney where long and tiering for a pregnant woman but it picked up when your dragon flew over head scaring everyone in the city.


"your grace" someone spoke as you where in the library looking for a book on child bearing.

"yes" you answered

"the king would like you and him to see aemond off to storms end" the guard spoke and you made your way to the dragon pit to wish aemond a safe journey.

"good luck brother" aegon spoke to his brother.

"good luck aemond and please for the love or the gods don't do anything stupid" you commanded.

"i will try your grace" he spoke with a chuckle.


hello everyone sorry this chapter is short but there wasn't really much to write on but she's pregnant and aemond is going to stromsend so brace yourself.

And wow we're nearly at 1k reads!!!!!

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