Chapter 36 - blood and cheese

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You ran through the halls to helana and aemonds chambers, after you heard about what had happened form aegon you rushed to helanas chambers.

Two men had broken into the red keep to harm one of aemonds kids like how he harmed lucerys, one of the men cut out ballors eye and the other cut of jaherys's arm as payments for Luke's eye and arm.

So he wasn't dead.

Helana and aemonds chambers where gloomy, there was blood over the floor and helana was still screaming.

You ran over to helana who was getting huged by her mother, aemond was somewhere else most likely torturing the one of the men the guards caught.

Helana broke from her mother and ran into your arms. You two collapsed on the floor and she sobbed into your chest.

Her dress was covered in blood and her face stained with tears.

"Oh sweet helana I'm so sorry" you repeated.


The moon was in the sky and the rain was pouring. You made your way to the dungeon secretly while your humus and was asleep.

You wore a black dress with lace around the corset.

You entered the dungeon and there was 1 dungeon filed with criminals

"Which one of these men broke in and hurt the princelings?" You questioned a guard.

The gaurd pointed to a scrawny man who was huddled in the corner.

"Has he said anything?" You asked.

"Not yet he said he would rather die your grace." the guard told.

"Get the crabs" you commanded.

The gaurd did as you commanded and got out the crabs that the crab feeder used to kill his victims.

You commanded another gaurd to get the skinny man out of the dungeon.

The gaurd roughly dragged the man over to a wall and strapped him to it right in front of the other prisoners so they could see him get torchered.

The other guard brought out 4 crabs and place the crate of them on the crate on the table next to them.

You walked over to the long table where different torture devices where laid out.

You picked up a sharp blade and walked over to the man, you used the blade to carelessly slice open his arm and he let out a scream.

You slowly opened the crate and plopped a crab on his arm. The crab tasted the blood and slowly stated to peal of the skin on his arm.

He let out a bellowing scream that echoed trough out the red keep and the skin on his arm peeled of and plopped onto the floor.

"Ok I'll talk!!!, my name is cheese and the other man was called blood he's an ex hood cloak who is not a butcher! We were hired by prince deamon to hurt the prince's!" The man screamed.

"Thank you... but tomorrow my husband and brother in law will decide your fate.. and there is a set decision that you will die" you spoke with a smile.

"Sleep well" you smiled before walking away.

Miss lady strong - hotd fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora