#Entry 6 (Glitches)

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Dec/15/2023 Friday.

Okay so yesterday my phone was glitching a lot. Every time i opened wattpad it was laggy and glitchy, i also felt paranoid yesterday.

Today i tried to take a video to see if i could capture anything, but when i went to see the video. The video wasn't there (I'm pretty sure that i pressed record.! The video should have popped up in my camera roll but, it wasn't there..)

Yesterday i felt tired and I fell asleep at 9pm because of how tired i was. I didn't go to school today either. (Yesterday I went to school) i think I'm getting a little better.. i don't feel too sick anymore however, i keep twitching. Right now it's 12pm and i woke up at 11am so i slept about 10+ hours. (Damn i must have been very tired-) i have been sleeping a lot lately. I still feel a little tired still.

A few days ago i saw a red light flashing outside my window. i wasn't too surprised and i kind of ignored it. (You know how in the back of a car there is a red light? Yeah that's what i thought it was, so i ignored it.) but, now that i think about it. it couldn't have been a car. And you know how Brian's camera has a red flash whenever he takes a picture.? I think that it could have been Brian/Hoodie.

Update: I Got a headache, and i felt paranoid and watched.

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