"The Tall Man". . .

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Okay so before we get onto the story, this did NOT happen to me. This is a story that I found on Wikipedia about a girl who's sister got taken by Slenderman...

Her sister's name is Abigail and apparently this was her encounter with Slenderman or... "The Tall Man" the person that wrote this story is a girl named Sarah.
The story:

Some people say he's a myth, an urban legend, a made up story meant to scare people. However, I have seen him. I've seen what he is capable of, I've seen how frightening he really is... and I never want to see him again. I was around the age of eleven, and I lived in the country with my mom, dad, and eight year old sister. The entire town was surrounded by forests, and not very many people lived in it. It was a simple town; there were no big business chains or anything like that. All the shops were family owned. In fact, our family owned a small bakery that was actually the downstairs level of our home.

My sister, Abigail, and I would always go to the tiny park by the edge of the woods to play with the other children that lived in the town. There weren't very many, so we all knew each other. Sometimes my sister would go to the park by herself while I did my homework. One day she came into my room while I was working on some math problems.

"Sarah," she said to me excitedly. "I met someone new in the park. You should come meet him!" I turned to her with a smile.

"I can't, Abby," I said. "Mom said I couldn't go out and play until my homework was finished and my room clean."

"But he's not going to be there all day," said Abby. "He's probably already gone."

"I'm sure he'll come play another day," I said, turning back to my work. "I'll meet him next time."

I had quite a bit of homework for the next couple of days. Abby would always try to get me to play in the park with her and her new friend, who she didn't seem to know the name of, but I was too busy. Finally, it was Saturday, and I didn't have anything to do. We went to the park together and played on the seesaw.

"Where's your new friend?" I asked her.

"I guess he's not here yet," she replied. I was beginning to wonder if this "friend" was imaginary. After about fifteen minutes, a younger kid came up to us and tugged on Abby's sleeve.

"Abby," he said. "The tall stranger is back. Let's go play with him." Abby hopped off the seesaw and urged me to follow. I felt uneasy at hearing the boy call this friend "the tall stranger." All the same, my curiosity was too great, and I followed. All of the children headed into the forest and gathered around a dark tree. I stood by my sister and gasped, seeing that it wasn't a tree at all, but an unnaturally tall man. He had to be eight or nine feet tall, and he was so thin, I thought the wind was going to blow him away. He was wearing a black business suit, and his arms were too long to be proportional. I squinted, trying to see his chalk white face, but for some reason, I couldn't make it out. It was as if there was no face at all.

Something about the man unnerved me. Part of me was enticed to come closer, but the other part of me was screaming and telling me to run far away. There was a faint ringing in my ears. The children circled around him. For whatever reason, they were more drawn to him than I was. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that I was older than all of them by a few years. They reached up to him, touching his thin, boney white hands.

Abby was trying to push through the other kids so that she could touch the man as well. I looked at her face; her eyes seemed almost hypnotized, as if the man's presence was luring her into some kind of trap. I looked back up to the man and gasped, seeing now multiple tentacle-like arms coming from him, reaching slowly to the children. They cooed softly, reaching their hands up excitedly. The ringing in my ears was now painfully loud. I screamed and covered them, and I felt dazed. My mind was foggy and my vision was blurred. Abby was still trying to get closer to the man, but without thinking, I grabbed her hand and ran as quickly out of the woods as I could. I didn't even look back.

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