#Entry 21

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[Feb/3/2024] (Saturday 5:55PM)

Lately I have been feeling sick. I'll put all the symptoms.

- Tiredness
- My throat hurts
- Coughing fits (a lot)
- Feeling sick after eating food
- Wanting to vomit
- Random mood swings
- Intrusive thoughts (Mostly homicidal thoughts)
- Feeling a bit sick
- Violent convulsions (My fingers randomly start twitching for no reason)
- Coughing blood? (I'm not sure.. but, I tasted blood in my mouth a few days ago)
- My throat is sore
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations (Shadow figures)

So yesterday it was about 2AM, I was going to sneak out but then I had a bad gut feeling.. I felt like if I snuck out something bad will happen. So I just stayed outside in my backyard instead of going onto the street, eventually I got extremely paranoid, I kept seeing shadow figures and I felt watched. I could have sworn that I heard bushed rustling... I stayed outside for a few minutes (20 or 30 minutes) and whenever I closed my eyes, I would feel like someone or somethings presence was next to me. But, when I open my eyes I see nothing..

I also found out that masky is Canonically asexual.. I also found out that Jessica from Marble Hornets is lesbian.

I'll see if I can start researching again, even though I feel sick.. I'll see if I can research on Habit or the rake.

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