#Entry 25

46 1 17

(Feb/16/2024) [Friday, 3:43pm]

Okay so! A few weird things happened.

Yesterday around 6pm or 7pm I could have sworn that I saw a shadow figure running very fast.. however a few minutes later I saw a huge white dog that was running around on the street so I think it was just a dog-

However yet another thing happened. This one CAN'T be the dog. I could have sworn that I was someone that looked like a shadow figure, was leaning against the fence in my backyard.. just watching me, when I saw them they immediately ran away. I got up to see if there was someone but, there wasn't anyone there.. Also it looked like the observer a little bit.

Don't tell me that, bastard is trying to scare me again..!

It even had the hair to the side and everything. It genuinely looked like the observer, I just didn't see the white part of the glasses because they ran away too fast..

Today, I got a headache and a few migraines..

Also, someone in the comments said that the reason why I have the urge to draw the symbol and sometimes feeling forced to draw it. It is because of something called "Compulsion".. I searched it up on Google and the only way to not give into the "compulsion" is to try and distract yourself.

Dad says that he will buy me a camera today! Since he'll be getting a paycheck of $400.. The camera costs about $125 or more. I'm pretty excited! I have been waiting for a camera for about a month now!

Out of context:
Also.. Can I ask you guys something?

Which of these boy names do you think is best for me?.. I'm not sure if I'm transmasc or what but, I'm feel.. Non-binary yet male at the same time. I think I might be Demiboy but, I'm not sure yet.. i do know that im bisexual but, im not sure if im demiboy or not.. i feel a little uncomfortable when someone refers to me as She/her.. i like the pronouns He/They more.. they just feel right.

I have a few names that I like:

- Jayden
- Oliver
- Kai
- Liam
- Sebastian
- Tyler
- Remi

Here are a few symptoms that I have been having these past few days..

- Coughing fits?
-a bit of insomnia? Or trouble sleeping?
- Dizziness
- Major Amnesia
- Feeling nervous + shaking involuntarily or randomly

I also almost forgot to tell you that I had a dream about Noah Maxwell!

So the dream was that I was sitting in a white chair and there was a table in front of me and in front of me there sat Noah Maxwell.

I don't remember much but, all I know is that before the dream ended I said: "Noah can I ask you a question?"

Noah: "yeah sure!"

Me: "What do you think about the fact that I tried to kill myself 2 times?" (this is actually true I did try to suicide two times)

Noah stared at me.. Suddenly his entire face turned entirely black and then suddenly, I could see that his eyes were very wide.. they almost looked demonic or creepy in a way. It made me very uncomfortable and scared. He started to smile very widely and in a very creepy way.. He just stayed quiet and he got very close to me and since it was way too creepy I woke up.

It's weird because.. Isn't Noah the good guy? I was pretty confused yet still shaken because of how he looked.. (So basically I had a nightmare)

I have another question.. Why would Slenderman or the operator follow me specifically? Because I have been wondering, it could be because I'm a researcher, but, I'm a minor I don't understand why they would be following me (Again, could be because I'm a researcher)

Well, anyways..

I'll update in a few days. Bye!

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