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I wondered of they had some type of pattern.

After Cato, then it was finnick, then Johanna, Cal, Gale, River, Priya, so on...

I was one of the last ones, it was almost driving me insane waiting this long, was this how the lower districts felt in the games? Waiting with all the time to think, over think, under think?

My thinking lead me to realizing I never asked Archer what happened.. I decided after this I'll ask. He's been gone alot with Cato, where Cato was, Archer was. His room was a hall down from ours so it was convient for him to always be by us, along with Priya if she wasn't with Trev.

It felt normal..but in a weird way. It felt like when I was fresh out of the games, when I used to go out, when Cato was with Archer all the time. After the 76th he seemed to be always stuck taking care of me or the mess that was made with the 77th.

But it was nice to see Cato act like..Cato. Bickering with Archer about who shot the furthest or most accurate, demanding bets just to see eachother lose. It's like the ' kid' version of himself before was coming back it's really nice to see.

The door opens again bringing me back to reality. " Kaylaya." Boggs says eyeing me. I didn't look at the rest of everyone as I stood and walked out. I put on my game face, unsure if giving my emotion away would ruin it for me.

Boggs closes the door behind me as we walk, " You need a rundown of the rules again?"

" I'll be given a task, complete it no matter what." I recite.

" Yes, but this is also a pass or fail test." He says quickly directing me into the elevator. " That's all I'm able to say." He presses the button for me as he steps out of the elevator. " This door will open, from there you will be given an task, problem, assignment, anything.. Do it to the best of your abilities. We'll be watching from one of the rooms here, once we decide if you pass or fail you'll be dimissed."

" Wh-"

There wasn't enough time before the door closes and he starts walking. It makes the descent now my heart was hammering. The ride was maybe a minute or so, they door opens again where a younger man was standing.

" Kaylaya Musak?" He asks.

" Yes."

He gives a sharp nod, " Your assessment... Your being chased." He gives me a bracelet, " Keep this on at all times. Your problem is having a wounded ally with you. Both need to make it to the point on your tracker here.."

He hands me a small device showing what I think is me, the map, and the point I need to get to. I take it, " Who's here to be my ally?"

He presses a button on my bracelet, it was a younger version of a bloodied Cato, I think they got the figure from his games. He pants looking at me.. I blink a couple times " Is this.."

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