2024, Here We Come!

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"Con! Come on!" Mia smiled, pulling Connor into the living room. The TV was playing Dick Clark's special taking place in Times Square, NYC.

"I'm coming, babe. Chill." He laughed at the excitement in his girlfriend's tone.

They both sat down on the couch as Sabrina Carpenter sang. Mia grabbed her champagne glass filled with pellegrino and held it up to her boyfriend. He grabbed his glass as well and knocked it against hers, both of them sipping out.

Both of their parents had already called to wish a happy new year before they went to bed. Connor told Mia that they weren't going to bed before midnight, so she drank lots of coffee beforehand so she wouldn't be tired.

"Connor." Mia said blantly at her boyfriend, who was staring down at his phone.

"Yes?" He asked slightly scared, putting his phone away.

"The ball is about to drop dummy!" She scolded. He sighed in relief and put on his NYE glasses.

"10!" The countdown began. The couple turned and looked at each other.

"9!" Connor's eyes got brighter as he and Mia made eye contact.

"8!" Their hands found each other and held them tightly.

"7!" Both of their phones lit up with messages from their friends, which they ignored.

"6!" They scooted closer to one another.

"5!" Her lips turned up into a smile, as did his as the countdown hit the halfway mark.

"4!" Connor's hand found Mia's cheek.

"3!" The two started leaning in.

"2!" Their lips brushed together.

"1!" The two smiled even bigger.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Finally, the two's lips connected.

When they pulled away, Connor looked deep into Mia's eyes. "2024, here we come." He said.


This is shit but it's okay

WC: 291

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