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TW: cheating, SAD JAMIE

The day was perfect. Jamie had finished his early morning practice and had just gotten home to spend the rest of the day with the love of his life, Madison.

"It was a mistake, Jamie!" Madison cried out as Jamie ran a hand through his hair, tears falling down his face.

"So I walk in and you just mistakenly were making out with another guy on our bed?" He asked her through his cries. When she looked down, he had his answer. "Get out." He spoke lowly.

"Jamie.." She said.

"I said get out! I pay for this place, it's mine." Jamie yelled. Madison grabbed her bag and left without saying another word.

Once she was gone, Jamie broke. He fell onto his couch and cried. He cried out all of his emotions. God, did he wish he was back in Anaheim with Trevor and Mason on speed dial. But no. He's in shitty Philadelphia with no one near him he could call. Unless..

Jamie and Alexis

Are you busy?

You know I don't have a life.

What's up?

Can you come over?

I really need someone right now.

Chips and ice cream kinda talk or Grown Ups?


Be there in 15?
liked by Jamie


As she promised, fifteen minutes later Alexis was at the door. A tear-streaked Jamie answered the door and Alex's eyes softened. She walked in and closed the door before pulling her best friend into a hug. After Carter well, you know, she needed someone and he was there for her the whole time as she came to realization of who she had been trusting for those years. Since then, she's vowed to herself that she would be there for Jamie whenever he needed it.

"What happened, J?" Alexis asked him softly, playing with the ends of his hair. Jamie took a deep breath before answering.

"I walked in on Madison making out with another guy in our room, on our bed." He shivered at the thought of it, having to sleep in the same room where his worst nightmare happened.

Alex gasped softly and she hugged him even tighter as a whole new set of tears fell from his eyes. After he calmed down, she guided him over to his couch and told him she would be back with chips and ice cream so they could watch Grown Ups.

Jamie watched as his best friend walked/ran back to the kitchen and he smiled. Through what he would probably be going through for a while, he knows that Alexis Hughes will forever and always be there for him.


I'm losing motivation to write again guysss

This is so short but I hate writing sad ones for Jamie bc he's too sweet to have sad ones. 

WC: 443

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