Pretty Girl

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TW: mentions body and personality insecurities 

Madison hasn't had a good day. And when I say that, I mean body wise. While Jamie has been at hockey all day, she's been at their apartment wearing oversized clothing and forgetting to eat food while she cuddles under her blanket. 

Jamie walked into the apartment and saw Madison underneath the blanket on the couch in their living room. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he walked over to her, standing behind her and resting his chin on the top of her head. Feeling the movement, she glanced up and saw Jamie and looked away, still curled in her blanket.

"What's wrong, love?" Jamie asked her softly, walking around the side of the couch and sitting next to her. His arm wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her into his body more.

"Why do you date me, Jamie? I'm just a fat whore who's unlovable in every aspect." Madison rambled on as she sniffled.

Jamie was shocked at the outburst. "What in the world makes you think you're any of those?" He asked her with slight anger in his tone. But the anger wasn't towards her. It was towards whoever made her think these outrageous things.

"Social media." She quietly admitted. He sighed and rubbed his hand up and down her arm comfortingly.

"Do you want to know a secret?" Madison nodded. "You are the prettiest girl ever. You aren't fat, you're perfect in every way. And I love you so, so much." Jamie whispered in her ear. 

Madison sighed. "But-"

"No buts," He cut her off. "Because I will say it all again. You are the prettiest girl ever. Don't let any puck bunnies tell you otherwise, okay?" She didn't move. "I said, okay?" 

Sighing, she nodded. "Okay." Madison finally said, curling more into him while still underneath her blanket.

Jamie smiled as she finally agreed with him. "Good. Have you eaten today?" When she shook her head no, he frowned and sighed sadly. "I'm going to make you food and you're going to eat it, okay? And no debating it." He got up and walked to the connected kitchen to make her food.

Later in the evening

Madison was curled up in Jamie's arms as they watched a movie. She felt a lot better now that she was with Jamie as he reassured her that she wasn't any of the thing the "fans" were saying. That made her happy, that he thought that she was perfect. He told her that she was his pretty girl.


I hate the ending but I lost all happiness I had to write this while watching the Devils game. Like I'm in legit tears right now at this. Allen has let in at least three from the blue line on TWENTY SHOTS. LIKE I HAVE NO WORDS.

WC: 462

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