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Marla's POV

"UNCLE JACK! UNCLE LUKE!" I squealed when i saw daddy open the door. My uncles walked in and smiled.

I ran over to them and they both hugged me tight. They live in New Jersey is what daddy told me, and he said that's why we don't see them that often. We're going to the mall today and he said maybe I can buy some new toys with uncles!

"Hey munch." Uncle Jack said with a smile. I poked his nose and his face scrunched up.

"What about your favourite uncle?" Uncle Luke asked. I looked over at him from Uncle Jack's arms and reached over to him.

"Can we go shopping now?" I whined while the three adults talked.

Daddy laughed. "Let's go, Mars." He nodded.

Uncle Luke sat in the backseat beside me. We talked the whole way to the mall about ponies! He agreed that daddy should buy me one, but daddy said no for some reason. Something about they're expensive, whatever that means.

When we got to the mall, daddy got me out of my seat and Uncle Jack picked me up and ran into the mall. I laughed loudly out of excitement and held onto him tight. Daddy was yelling for him to stop but he didn't.

"Let's go to the toy store!" I tugged Uncle Jack's hair lightly. He playfully glared at me but I pouted in return.

He sighed. "Fine." I cheered. "Lead the way, munchkin." Once I was put down, I started walking to the store with my Uncles and daddy following me.

When we got to the store I ran in. My eyes immediately found a Barbie doll on the top shelf. I looked at Uncle Luke who was beside me and pointed at the toy.

He chuckled and grabbed the doll, giving it to me to hold. My smile grew and I ran to another end of the store.

I picked about five different toys. I don't know how to count so I guessed. Anyway, I walked over to daddy and showed him my toys.

"Pick two baby. We'll buy those ones." I frowned when he said that and looked at the toys in my arms.

"Uncle Jack and Uncle Luke are in town." Uncle Jack smirked. "We'll buy them for our favourite niece."

"Guys-" Uncle Luke spoke when daddy spoke, which daddy told me I shouldn't do to anyone.

"Come on, bro! We never get to see her! Please!" He asked daddy. He sighed but nodded.

Third-Person POV

The two younger Hughes brothers bought the kid her eight toys she picked out, buying four each. Quinn continued trying to tell them not to but why wouldn't they?

Luke grabbed Marla when she yawned, her head laying down against his shoulder. Jack grabbed the one bag the toys were in and they both followed Quinn down to his car.

Quinn's apartment

Quinn carried his daughter up to their apartment and into her bedroom. Well, their bedroom for the weekend while his brothers are there. Once he tucked her into her side of the queen-sized bed, he walked back out to the kitchen and glared at his brothers. Why? Not only did they buy the toys when he told them not to, but they were making Marla waffles.

"Let us spoil the queen!" Jack complained to his older brother.

"Guys I swear to G-" Luke cut him off.

"Don't use His name in vain!" He scolded his brother. Quinn rolled his eyes.

"Stop. I'm trying to teach her not to do that." He told Luke.

"We never get to see her! Let us be the cool uncles, man." Jack begged.


So that's what they did. All weekend, they spoiled their little niece until they had to leave. Bought her toys, made her fun food, went to parks..anything she wanted. Now, little do Maria's uncles know, she and Quinn are headed to New Jersey for a surprise week.


I feel like they'd be such cool uncles.

Requested by @chi_blackhawks

WC: 664

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