I Still Love You

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Based on Austin by Blake Shelton. This is a happy ending Connor one (finally)

She left without leavin' a number

Said she needed to clear her mind

He figured she'd gone back to Austin

'Cause she talked about it all the time

Mia left.

After she and Connor's argument, she figured they'd been arguing way too often and they needed some time apart. So she left and changed her number as it was a new area code.

Connor was heart broken. He had a feeling that she had gone back home, but he didn't have a clue. She talked about going home quite a bit but he didn't know if she'd go through with it.

It was almost a year before she called him up

Three rings and an answering machine is what she got

Around a year after leaving, Mia began to rethink her decision. Did she really want to just forget about everything she and Connor had because of one rough patch? She's been following his career since arriving in Austin and he's been doing amazing.

After thinking for only a few moments, she pulled out her phone and dialed the number she knew all too well. One ring, two ring, three ring..

If you're callin' 'bout the car I sold it

If this is Tuesday night I'm bowling

If you've got somethin' to sell, you're wastin' your time, I'm not buyin'

If it's anybody else, wait for the tone,

You know what to do

And P.S. if this is Austin, I still love you

The voicemail explained what Connor was doing while he was away from the phone. He informed the person that he had sold the car he was apparently selling before going bowling tonight. On the Blackhawks page, Mia had been informed that it was a charity event.

Connor continued on saying that he wasn't going to buy anything anyone was selling. But, if Mia knew him, he most definitely would if offered. He told people to wait for the tone and leave a voicemail if what they needed to say was important, but the last line got Mia's attention. The last line informed her of something she never thought she'd hear again. Connor Bedard still loves Mia Scott.

What kind of man would hang on that long

What kind of love that must be

She waited three days, and then she tried again

She didn't know what she'd say,

But she heard three rings and then

Mia was shocked to say the least, her phone slipping from her hand before she carefully caught it with the other. Why hasn't Connor moved on yet? He's a hotshot in Chicago right now. Hell, all over the puck bunny fanbase girls are throwing themselves at him. Why Mia?

Three days later, she decided to call him again. Maybe he'd answer this time. However, going into the call as she dialed his phone number on her phone, she didn't have a clue what to say. Does she admit she still loves him? Does she say he should move on? One ring, two rings, three rings...

If it's Friday night I'm at the ballgame

And first thing Saturday, if it don't rain

I'm headed out to the lake

And I'll be gone, all weekend long

But I'll call you back when I get home

On Sunday afternoon

And P.S. If this is Austin, I still love you

This time, the voicemail Mia listened to was different. It laid out Connor's weekend schedule along with his daily schedule of why he wasn't answering the phone. Today, he was at an MLB game with a few teammates, the White Sox to be specific.

He informed that over the weekend he'd be going to the lake. The lake near him was still frozen enough to somehow skate on, so the Foligno family invited him along to the lake house with them. But the four words are the end caught Mia's attention once more.

Well, this time she left her number

But not another word

Then she waited by the phone on Sunday evenin'

And this is what he heard

Mia decided to wait to leave a voicemail this time. In this voicemail, she left Connor her new number and that was it. Nothing else. Now all she could do was wait for Sunday to roll around.

When Sunday rolled around, she had her phone's ringer on and waited. It felt like she had been waiting for a million years, whereas it's only been a few hours.

Connor tiredly walked into his apartment and checked his voicemails. While listening, he heard a voice he never thought he'd hear again. Her voice. Mia's voice. Almost immediately, he called back and got an answer, listening intently.

If you're callin' 'bout my heart

It's still yours

I should've listened to it a little more

Then it wouldn't have taken me so long to know where I belong

And by the way, boy, this is no machine you're talkin' to

Can't you tell, this is Austin, and I still love you

Connor listened. He listened to her smooth and soothing voice as she talked, assuming it was a voicemail.

Mia said that her heart still belonged to Connor right away. To say this shocked him was an understatement to say the least. She was a woman with amazing personality and looks, why him?

But what really caught his attention was the last two sentences. This wasn't a voicemail, and..

Mia still loves Connor. Which was a good thing, because Connor still loves Mia.

They had a chance. And this chance, well, this was a chance they took. A chance they took with no hesitation at all.


I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH NO ONE UNDERSTANDS. But, like, I finally gave Connor and Mia a happy ending guys. I never give them a happy ending.

Sorry I've been so inactive. My plan over my spring break was to be active but I had a family member suddenly go to the hospital, she's okay now, but that really threw me off course and I wasn't able to update as much as i wanted too.

So I'm gonna try and get some double updates out this week and catch up. My goal is to finish The Spark by the end of May, or end of June max and hopefully get the first chapter of my new book released before I get busy this summer.

WC: 1076

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