10 - Friendship circle

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                            𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐍

Smoke from cigars and cigarettes dances across the room. Crimson curtains drawn to conceal the privacy of the people in the room. Glasses with whiskey, vodka, tequila, and any kind of alcoholic drink clinks among the men in the room.

Men wearing classic tuxedos smoking heavy cigars, bursting into fits of loud laughter, and bartenders churning out drinks with each passing second.

Pushing open the doors leading into a section of the parlor, a room that's reserved for the men and male heirs.

Seeing Ashton with his tie loose, slams down his shot of tequila on the table and comes over to me. "Ah, you're finally here now tonight is gonna be a memorable one."

"Ashton, you're saying a lot with such confidence are you sure you aren't drunk?" I say, raising my brow in amusement, but not dismissing his words at all.

Ashton stops. Then gives a little smile and playfully punches me in the shoulder. "No, I'm not drunk yet, you should know me better than that, Chase."

Dim lighting follows our shadows onto the deep red carpet, sounds of glasses clinking in a sign of having a good time, and older men reliving their good old days.

Slipping into the booth I saw Jean hadn't touch his drink and Daniel's body slump over his cheeks bright red, drunk before I could see him sober.

"Jean, I told you to keep a watchful eye on Daniel"Ashton said, in an irritated tone, and rolls in his eyes looking at Daniel pitifully.

Jean looks to Ashton, to me, and then back to Daniel nodding his agreement. "See, I feel like I did follow your instructions and I did watch him with both eyes, I swear."

"What? That's not what I meant, actually never mind I'm gonna take him back to his room and probably stay with him so he doesn't do anything else" Ashton interrupts, shaking Daniel's drunken body, and leads him parlor, mostly likely to keep watch over him for the rest of the night.

Slipping into the booth across from Jean, a glass of whiskey sits still on the table, and an overhead lamp gives off a dirty yellow-light hue. Jean digs into his pocket finding a half-empty packet of cigarettes sticks one into his mouth and shakes the pack in front of me in a giving gesture.

"Thanks," I say, taking a cigarette from the pack and he nods at my response.

"So, given that me and you can talk about anything I just wanna ask you something" Jean paused. "Do you still have feelings for Vivian?"

I froze still, my eyes widen but slip back into a neutral expression. Then look at Jean biting out a laugh, and light the cigarette letting the ashes fall into the ashtray.

"I don't know what you're talking about, what makes you think that?" I say, quickly rocking my heels back and forth like a grandfather clock instinctively.

"You're dodging the question here, I just wanna know what's going on between you guys" Jean replied.

Smiling, But not a genuine one his eyes watching me as if to figure out something and use it to his disposal.

"Why? Me and you aren't that close to begin with,unless you know something that I don't" I replied.

Watching him now closely, maybe he'll say something that I'll use against him later.

"No, well at least not right now, but I'll let you know soon enough" Jean replied.

Takes one last drag of his cigarette leaving it in the ashtray, and leaves out the front door.

"I need to get him to keep quiet, wait for it Jean maybe I'll knock you off your high horse sooner or later" I said, smiling with pleasure at the thought of him losing his mind a little.

"I need to get him to keep quiet, wait for it Jean maybe I'll knock you off your high horse sooner or later" I said, smiling with pleasure at the thought of him losing his mind a little

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Hey! Thank you all for being patient with this schedule change this week! The next update will be this Friday at 11:30 pm.

What do you guys think will happen between Chase and Jean? Will they become friends later on or become enemies instead?

Is anyone on their Spring Break yet or no?

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