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Warm and gentle sunlight coaxes me awake, the birds outside singing peacefully. When I first open my eyes confusion lingers in my mind, but then I remembered the experiences from yesterday. Right. I'm not in the modern life anymore. A sigh leaves me at that as I get up from my bed, stretching my arms above my head with a yawn.

On one hand I do miss the comfortable luxuries of modernity that reached a wide range in the world, though on the other... living a life of cultivation was something I have dreamt of for a long time. And I still possess some modern aspect, as the System seems to be an AI Life Support. Not in the medical sense, of course.

"MeiMei is glad to see Heng Zǐ already awake." I look towards the door, seeing MeiMei and a young man standing there. Both of them bow to me and I bring myself to smile gently. I have to get used to being treated like this one way or another, so better early than later. The young man goes to one of the wardrobes of the room, picking out some clothes. "Earlier a courier bird arrived from the Gusu Lan Sect asking for your presence at the Cloud Recesses." That catches my attention in an instant.

The Gusu Lan Sect wants me to visit? "Was there any further reasoning stated?" I thank the young man when he hands me my clothes, moving to stand behind the privacy screen to get dressed. "They said they will inform you when you arrive." A sigh leaves me, my hands adjusting the fabric to sit right before putting on the accessories that sit ontop the shelf beside me. This area behind the privacy screen is so spacious... Almost like a small room just for dressing up.

"Did they at least state when I should arrive? Is it urgent or something more casual?" With the accessories done - it was just a jade bead necklace, a long string of jaded prayer beads and a light jade pendant with jade beads and a red tassle - I shrug on the last layer of clothing, a simple yet very detailed robe that I presume to be a signal of high status and clan heritage. This feels so expensive..! But I breath in to calm my nerves as I step out from the privacy screen again. "The request is of casual manner."

The young man guides me to sit infront of what I assume to be a vanity, whispering an excuse after having touched me. He seems nervous... "Are you alright?" He looks at me surprised, quickly averting his gaze after our eyes meet. "This lowly servant is alright. Thanking Heng Zǐ for being so considerate." I frown slightly and purse my lips, moving a hand to touch his cheek in the spur of the moment. "No human is lowly, no matter a beggar or a servant." His brown eyes only slowly and fearfully meet mine again, his lower lip busy being bitten by his own teeth.

I let go of his face again as I see a brush and other hair care utensils in his hand. It would be rude to not let him do his job. The man mutters another excuse before gently combing through my hair, being mindful of my non-human traits. "Tell me your name." My ears flick from reflex, his fingers grazing their thin shell from the surprise. "Heng Bojing..." Same clan heritage, but judging from the actual lack of any forehead marking he is probably of very low class.

What a stupid system. Classes are fine and all but only if there isn't any drastic difference and ridicule. It seems as though this body's original owner either wasn't aware of the clan's happenings or simply ignored them. Or perhaps he did try and some clan members still did their shit.

"MeiMei." She smiles at me, handing me a cup of tea as Bojing braids some of my hair. "I want the class system to be either lifted or changed." That surprises both of them, but I choose to ignore it in favor of actually taking a sip of the tea. It's Oolong Tea, one of my favorites. "MeiMei knows Heng Zǐ wanted to do something like this for a while, but isn't lifting the system a bit drastic?" I take another sip, enjoying the floral smell and taste. "Then don't lift it, at least lighten it. Hmm..." I close my eyes in thought, noticing none of the two speaking up. Probably to let me finish talking.

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