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It has been a whopping three years since I started training the two future Jades of Gusu Lan and I must admit that it's fun. Thankfully I haven't broken any rules yet. I'm certainly not looking forward to the day it does happen.

But enough about that! Lan Qiren has asked me if I wanted to accompany them to Yunmeng! They apparently have a Clan and Sect meeting and this time it is to be held in Lotus Pier. Which means I get to see little Jiang Cheng, Jian Yanli and Wei Ying. I wonder... Is the little patriarch still on the streets? In the canon he was found by Jiang Fengmian when he was around nine or ten, but that still could have changed technically.

Hahhh... I'm sad I missed the opportunity to meet him when Lan Zhan first met him on the streets. But I was summoned by my parents, claiming they missed having me around. Which meant that training in Cloud Recesses was put on hold for a month. AN ENTIRE MONTH. Missing me is nice and all, but since my siblings were also summoned none of them wanted me to leave after the week that was originally planned.

Right now we are actually already on the way to the meeting, the two young jades, Lan Qiren, a few of the best disciples, MeiMei and me flying on our swords. Well. Lan Zhan wasn't flying, I'm actually carrying him since he has yet to obtain his future Bichen. Not that I mind, he certainly doesn't mind either with how comfortably he's perched on my arm, hands holding on to my other arm that is over his chest.

My usual smile grows as I already see the pier, boats docking or undocking and people running around. It's beautiful. And I'm quite glad that we stay here for an entire week. It is simply so pretty that I genuinely could see myself just drifting in the lotus abundant waters every single day. A simple and nice life, I'm sure.

"Shizun!" I look towards teen Lan Huan, seeing him smile softly at me as he flies closer to me. "Have you been to the Lotus Pier before?" "Once or twice when I was younger. I usually steer away from big and prominent places unless requested." The boy 'ahh's and nods, his hair fluttering gently in the wind. We're not flying fast so it's not like a wild breeze is whipping past us, but I wish it would. I'm used to faster travel...

After a few more li are crossed we land, all of us sheathing our blades. I look at the boy sitting on my arm. "Do you want to stay up here or walk on your own?" He looks at me with his typical, unmoved face before I can see the tips of his ears turn ever so slightly pink. "Stay up." I smile at him and pat his head, my tail happily swishing behind me. A Lan disciple sighs, muttering something that sounds like 'he's doing it again', the other disciples chuckling.

Yes, I'm guilty. Guilty of pampering the Twin Jades. If that was a crime I would certainly be hunted down by now. But I can't help it! They are too cute not to pamper! It doesn't help that I had a very big and serious wish to have a child of my own in my past life. Having a child of my own... that would certainly be nice.

"You're pampering my nephew again, Heng Gongzǐ." I pout at Lan Qiren, deciding to walk ahead of the group. "Of course I am. Both of your nephews are darling children that deserve the best. I also told you to stop calling me that, A-Ren." Really now! Over the years we have grown at least somewhat close. He allowed me to call him like family but he still doesn't do the same. It makes it weird.

But all I get is a sigh and the sound of footsteps following after me. Typical, like always.

As we walk away from the docks and through the busy streets what I assume to be a market I feel my temper calm again, the laughter of children making me feel both happy and yet also sad. "Shizun." My head tilts to look at the younger Lan in my arms, his eyes boring into mine. "Yes, A-Zhan?" He points to a stand that sells Baozi, one of my favorite street foods. I could totally eat some right now...

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