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"A-Hua, be a dear and leave A-Zhan to his studies. A-Li, A-Lian, don't even think of joining your brother." Three small, reptilian heads turn to me, their big eyes blinking at me as their bodies immediately still. Really now, my three adorable babies love to stir up trouble of any some kind and they have hatched just a week ago.

A sigh leaves me as all three of them bolt and land on my shoulders, two of them snaking around my arms with one each and the third winds loosely around my neck. "It's okay, Shizun." I smile at the nine year old Lan Zhan, patting his head as I come to sit down next to him. "It may be okay with you, but they should still know that it's rude. So, reading about the different kinds of spirits again?" The boy nods at that, flipping to the next page of the book. It's one of the lectures I wrote myself for them.

Yes, it has the kinds of malevolent spirits that cultivators usually learn about, but it also has information on benevolent spirits as well as illuminated beasts and ghosts. While dragons are considered to be spirits they actually should be classified to be beasts so I included them as such in my lectures. In the same classification are some avians, a few felines and some turtles and snakes - oh, quite a few of the zodiac representing animals as well.

It would be a rarity to even catch a glimpse of any illuminated beast but I have included them anyway, just in case. It's better to be safe.

"Shizun?" I pull my gaze away from the book's page to look at my disciple instead, seeing his amber eyes look at me. "Yes, A-Zhan?" "Are you, A-Li, A-Lian and A-Hua illuminated beasts?" A soft nod of mine makes him humm in thought, his eyes on the literature again. "Does your clan know of that?" "No, aside from the Lan and MeiMei no one else knows of that. I'm not even sure my clan knows of their existence." The boy nods and reads some more.

Lan Zhan, ah Lan Zhan. I can see the cogs in his head working overtime for some reason, his lips pursed while he tries to keep his mind on studying. The sight makes it hard not to smile, but I don't say anything about it. Right now is a session of self-study which means I am only here to provide answers should he want to ask anything. It's an important part to build the base for some independence and information gathering.

I stand up again, feeling my children slither their way under my robes for some snuggles and naps. It's peaceful times and I honestly hope to prolong them for as long as possible. Using the time I have to strengthen not only myself but those I consider my allies.

Preparing for a war that is years in the future without telling anyone or gathering anyone's suspicions isn't the... easiest thing to do. And I know I will have to do a lot more in the upcoming years. Such as gathering artefacts and relics, strengthening my cultivation base and providing for the cultivation of the ones I hold dear now and in the future. I want as little bloodshed as possible.

But will I be able to accomplish that?

The Cloud Recesses I have grown to call my new home for four years now will be attacked by the Wens and burn. Lotus Pier will share such a fate with Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian giving their lives in the battlefield. And that's not even everything.

Many people will not only suffer from the path of conquest that the Wens have chosen, but also from the greed and jealousy of Jin Guangyao and his dog Su She. Wei Ying would surely die if I don't interfere and a lot of others would meet the same end.

But how can one simple man be enough to stop these tragedies? If I were to stop it early on, then I would just evoke the rage and revenge of the Wens, endangering the world even earlier than intended. I need to play the long game, be patient and follow my prey, striking once the opportunity shows itself.

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