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The week in Yunmeng's Lotus Pier was torture.

I mainly kept to myself except for when I was A-Zhan, A-Huan or MeiMei. Everyday I also spent some time with Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying, giving them pointers whenever they train. Other than that I was either in my assigned guestroom or submerged in some body of water. Because just as I had expected, I was getting heat flashes and pains from time to time.

So far my older disciple is the only one that knows about them and would always stay around whenever I submerged myself. Close enough for my sensed to know I'm not alone, but far away enough to stay safe from my fluctuations. Lan Zhan joined us, too, even though he didn't understand what's happening. He also never asked, simply offering his comfort.

With that going smoothly the torturous week thankfully went by quicker than I thought. Being back in Cloud Recesses feels good, cleansing even. A touch to my arm makes me look down to see Lan Huan smiling at me. "How are you feeling, Shizun?" "I feel alright, thank you. My heat should be done by now, so you don't have to worry." He nods and then decides to follow after his uncle to who knows where.

"Heat? Heng Zǐ, is everything alright?" Embarrassment makes me feel queasy as I turn to see a worried MeiMei sheath her sword after landing. I look around before leaning closer to her, keeping my voice low. "It's nothing too serious, but ever since the Dragon Spirit merged with my core I get week long heats every three months or so." She 'ohhh's softly, covering part of her face with a fan. I should get her a new one, that one has seen better days. "Why haven't you told me earlier?"

The question I've been dreading somewhat. "I uh... I may have connected the dots just earlier this week." Her expression shows slight disbelief but a soft giggle escapes her as she shakes her head. "So what type of heat do you go through?" We make our way towards one of our favorite spots, covering our faces with our fans while having our conversation as quietly as possible. "The receiving kind..." If she may have faltered I certainly didn't notice it.

"Heng Zǐ, excuse me if I sound rude but... Do you even have the necessary organs to receive?" My face erupts in a blush, eyes wide while trying to push away any memories. "I do. Well, kind of." "Kind of?" Once finally having reached the pond we often sit at, I plop myself down, instinctively putting a hand on my abdomen. Gods, having this talk is embarrassing. With A-Huan I at least didn't have to explain anything, he just got the info I go into heats like animals do and rolled with it.

But... I need to talk about this with someone I trust. It's an important part of my health. A sigh leaves my lips after I put my fan away, hiding my face in my hands. "It's not like the normal female anatomy, but... It has the same use? No, that's not worded right." A gentle hand is on my shoulder, making me look up at the woman that sat besides me. "It's okay. I get that it's new and unusual for you and I'm here for you. If it helps I can take a look?"

My jaw falls slack, skin feeling so hot I could boil the perfect tea on it. "MeiMei!" But she just smiles at me, kind and caring like always. "I get that you see yourself as my servant and that you are in fact more in the medical field. But you can't just casually offer to look there!" Realization flashes in her eyes before she giggles. "I always do your check ups and everything that I sometimes forget you always become so shy whenever anything about your reproduction system comes up." My lips purse to a pout as I grumble nonsense to blow off some steam.

As embarrassing as it is, I should have someone do a physical check. Especially after that happened.

But I can't help but feel embarrassed even at the simple question if I wish to bed anyone. Or if I need some outlet. Or that I should start thinking about producing heir. Or... you get the gist. I can't help but feel awkward and out of place whenever anything sexual is involved in a conversation.

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