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Seven years have passed. One of them spent away from human contact. Alive human contact, at least.

I have used the time I was granted Lan Qiren to sort out not only my thoughts about the clan I was transmigrated to. Plans were made as well. Or at least rough plans since any detail can easily be thrown away in case of a sudden miscalculation. Just some guidelines and certain things that absolutely have to happen.

And trusty System_1412 has everything filed into a document for me to access whenever I want to.

Something is strange though.

The information catalogued inside the System seems to expand with every year. Especially all the information about the Heng Clan. When I asked about it, System told me that more and more of the body's original soul's memories awaken to flow into my own. Not only memories itself, but also his suspicions.

It seems as though the original Heng Jaw-Long started suspecting things when he turned twelve. Why? I don't know, that's something that's not yet accessible to me. But I do know that he requested to be a wandering cultivator ever since his succession rite. Which was four years earlier than even planned.

Turns out a week before his fourteenth birthday there was a sudden outrage coming from a karmic beast. An Illuminated Beast had turned savage due to an overwhelming influx of malevolent energies. That's not something that just happens on its own, but having no time to ponder the how and why, Heng Jaw-Long already engaged in a fierce battle.

After the beast was calmed, with the teen's body shaking from exhaustion and pain infront of it still, it built a connection with him. What words were exchanged I apparently cannot know yet, but that should change soon. I need to know the truth about the Heng Clan, about the secrets hidden by the Elders specifically. The full truth, true clarity... This entire being of mine is craving it.

But that's not all that has happened. Sure, thinking and planning were done extensively during these seven years, but so were other things.

For example, my sweet, beloved and wonderful children have gained their humanoid bodies. They are simply the cutest! Being seven years of age their bodies certainly look the part, small, cute and light. But even though they have their mischievous moments and playful bouts, they are still way more mature than human children.

The thing that baffled me the most is that they do visually look like the characters I based the names off of. Aside from the dragon characteristics. A-Hua looks like young Hua Cheng - or Hong-er, just not as unkempt. A-Lian is a carbon copy of Xie Lian, like, an exact copy of him visually. And A-Li looks like a younger replica of the Genshin Impact character Zhongli.

Why I had the idea to name my children this way? I don't actually know, it just felt right.

» Host, this System congratulates you for making it this far and bearing so many great fortunes. It is quite the accomplishment. «

My eyes automatically find their way to look at the screen, a smile on my face at the virtual confetti flutting on it. Thankfully I am currently sitting somewhat alone in my pavillion, having tea while my darling children have a nap. "I must thank you, as well. While you seem to be bound to me, I do appreciate you aiding me whenever the need arises." I take a sip from my beverage, enjoying the mellow fragrance and gentle taste.

» That is what I was made for, Host. «

A chuckle leaves my throat, my head shaking as my smile widens. "You know, you suddenly congratulating me on my accomplishments feels like a new chapter is about to start. Is it finally time?" I refill my empty cup with the last of my tea, ears twitching.

Spirit of Longevity 𑁍 MDZSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя