Chapter 1

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A/N: This is for those readers who haven't read my other books and is only reading this book! Before you read this chapter go read chapter 12 of "His Second Addiction" so that you guys won't be confused about what actually happened. Most importantly read the warning first then continue reading this book❗



Is my life a joke to everyone? How could they agree to get me married to Ahren bhaiya that easily? Even Aaran bhaiya too. I expected him to take my side but I'm wrong. No one is on my side except my bhabis. Both of them are trying to fix my mood. But can it be fixed? No it can't be! I feel so frustrated with everything. Why is that Fahir after me? I know I'm pretty but that doesn't mean he have to be this much obsessive. I can never forget what he did. I will keep cursing him till the day I die. People say karma is a bitch then why karma isn't being a bitch for that bastard? Why Allah is not punishing him for what he did?

I know I'm overreacting but someone please try to understand my situation too! I will turn 19 after two days. I'm still studying. I'm not even that mature then how am I supposed to marry someone? That too with someone older than me. We are like two different people of two different generation. Our thinking will be very different from each other. Why the hell maa even said yes? 'So you would rather marry Fahir that bastard?' My subconscious mind mocked me. I groaned in annoyance. "What's wrong?" Zaria bhabi asked me who didn't left my room since baba dropped that bomb on everyone.

I looked at her belly which is now getting bigger. Shit I forgot bhabi shouldn't worry too much. It's not good for her health. She should rest. Instead she is worrying for me. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me. Tell me whatever is going inside your mind. Don't keep everything to yourself." She started caressing my face. That's when I broke down. At least someone is thinking about me otherwise everyone just went back to their room.

I hugged her but not tightly so that I wouldn't hurt her in any way. "Bhabi I'm still young. I don't want to get married. Why is this happening to me? I never did anything wrong to anyone then why do I always get hurt like this? No one even came to check on me. Am I a burden? I heard that daughters are usually a burden for a family. I guess my family is also thinking like that. That's why they agreed to marry me off to someone older than me so easily." I kept saying whatever I was feeling and cried too. I feel better now to be honest.

I pulled away from the hug as bhabi wiped my tears, giving me tissues for my running nose. I looked at the doorway to find Aaidah bhabi standing there and looking at us. She came inside after closing the door. "I didn't speak to give you time to vent out your anger." I weakly smiled at her. I'm glad that both of them listened to me silently without interrupting me.

"I will talk to Asael." "I will kill that bastard and end this issue by tonight." Both my bhabi said together. I started laughing, it's funny to see how different they are from each but yet so similar to their husbands. Asael bhaiya would try to fix everything by talking and Zaria bhabi is just like him. On the other hand Aaran bhaiya and Aaidah bhabi are like ready to kill anyone at any moment. Since they are looking at me confusingly I told them the reason that I why I laughed.

Aaidah bhabi sat beside me on my right side. I'm sitting in the middle of them. "Look Alaida we both will try to do everything to help you. But remember you are not a burden. I'm sure maa have a reason for agreeing so easily. Both the brothers love you more than their life even if they don't show it. They won't ruin your life like that. Trust their decision. Sometimes the decision our family takes is the best decision for us." Zaria bhabi said and her eyes were on me the whole time she was speaking. She is looking at me with so much love. "Zaria is right. Don't overthink baby. We are with you. Not only us but others are with you too. They also need time to cope up with this whole situation. Maybe they are feeling guilty to even come in front of you. They are also helpless so I'm sure they are blaming themselves that they can't do anything to protect you." Both of them have a point. I think I will start crying again. "Don't cry. Sleep now. I will come to wake you up for dinner." I nodded my head at what Aaidah bhabi said. They both kissed me on my forehead then left my room. I'm all alone, overthinking about everything. No matter what people say I can't stop overthinking. This habit won't go away just like that.

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